Kľúčové slovo Rotoscoping
Fire and Ice 1983
Heavy Metal 2000 2000
Wizards 1977
Another Day of Life 2018
Alois Nebel 2011
Príbeh sa začína na jeseň roku 1989 na vlakovej stanici Biely Potok v Jeseníkoch, kde ako výpravca pracuje Alois Nebel. Nebel je tichý samotár, ktorého z času na čas obostrie zvláštna hmla. Najčastejšie sa mu v nej zjavuje Dorothe, obeť násilného odsunu Nemcov po 2. svetovej vojne. Šedivé dni na stanici v Bielom Potoku lenivo ubiehajú a nevedomky odrátavajú koniec socializmu, zatiaľ čo výhybkár Wachek spoločne so svojím otcom kšeftujú s dôstojníkmi sovietskej armády. Malátnu atmosféru jedného dňa naruší príchod Nemého, ktorý prekročí hranicu so sekerou v ruke, aby pomstil svoju matku. Halucinácie privedú Nebla nakoniec do blázinca a počas pobytu na psychiatrii príde o miesto výpravcu. Vydá sa hľadať inú železničiarsku prácu do Prahy, kde stretne svoju životnú lásku, toaletárku Květu. Po nedorozumení sa Nebel rozhodne vrátiť späť do hôr, aby tu znovu natrafil na Nemého a bol svedkom jeho súboja s tieňmi minulosti.
Quimera 2024
The Tantalizing Fly 1919
Modeling 1921
The Chinaman 1920
Spectrum 2022
The Ouija Board 1920
Quantum Cowboys 2023
The Circus 1920
Бій 1986
Cherry and Virgin 1970
The Clown's Pup 1919
Undone 2019
After getting into a near fatal car accident, Alma discovers she has a new relationship with time and uses this ability to find out the truth about her father’s death.
Welcome to Irabu's Office 2009
Welcome to Irabu's Office, where you may be greeted by a man in a bear mask, holding a giant needle, who’s ready to cure your ills. Get to know the eccentric Dr. Ichirou Irabu who has a fetish for injections, and a rather strange methodology. Despite his weird approach, Dr. Irabu (who changes his appearance more than Madonna), does succeed in helping each of his patients... eventually.
Flowers of Evil 2013
The corrupt pure-love story revolves around Kasuga Takao, a bookish boy who loves the poems of Charles Baudelaire (the original author of the poetry collection "Les Fleurs du mal" or "Flowers of Evil"). One day after school, he discovers and steals the gym clothes of Saeki Nanako, the girl he has a crush on. However, he learns that Nakamura Sawa, a girl he loathes, happens to catch him in the act. Nakamura blackmails Kasuga into a contract, or else she will reveal his secret.
Kowabon 2015
Kowabon, a horror story, will be animated using a technique called rotoscoping. Animators will trace live-action footage frame-by-frame to recreate it as animation.