Godzilla II: Kráľ monštier

Godzilla II: Kráľ monštier 2019


Príbeh sleduje hrdinské úsilie členov kryptozoologickej agentúry Monarch odraziť útok gigantických tvorov, vrátane impozantnej Godzilly, ktorá čelí prerastenému motýľovi - Mothre, vtáčiemu Rodanovi, ale aj svojmu najväčšiemu nepriateľovi, ktorým je trojhlavý drak Kráľ Ghidorah. Keď tieto predpotopné druhy, považované za mýty a stáročia ukrývané po celej planéte, opäť povstanú, začne sa boj o nadvládu a existencia ľudstva bude visieť na vlásku.


Pod vodou

Pod vodou 2020


Skupina vedcov pracujúcich v špecializovanom podmorskom laboratóriu sedem kilometrov pod hladinou oceánu sa snaží dostať do bezpečia po ničivom zemetrasení. Pre túto posádku však nie je temnota nepreskúmaného morského dna to jediné, čoho sa majú obávať…


Lovec trolov

Lovec trolov 2010


Skupina študentov vyšetruje sériu záhadných úmrtí ktoré akoby spôsobil medveď, ale zistia, že v Nórsku existujú oveľa nebezpečnejšie zvery. Začnú sledovať tajomného lovca, o ktorom čoskoro zisťujú, že je vlastne lovcom trolov.


Hľadá sa Yeti

Hľadá sa Yeti 2019


Charizmatický Sir Lionel Frost považuje sám seba za najväčšieho bádateľa podivných tvorov na svete. Problémom však je, že iní si to nemyslia. Preto sa pokúsi preraziť medzi elitu najslávnejších hľadačov a dobrodruhov potvrdením existencie legendárneho tvora. Podarí sa mu objaviť doteraz nevídaného tvora?


Nákaza z hlbín

Nákaza z hlbín 2020


Študentka morskej biológie Siobhán musí opustiť pohodlie vedeckého laboratória a v rámci štúdia sa spolu s poverčivou posádkou vydať na týždennú plavbu rybárskou loďou, kde má zdokumentovať podmorský život. Prvá takáto príležitosť sa naskytne, keď ich loď uviazne uprostred oceánu a u členov posádky sa začnú objavovať príznaky neznámej infekcie. Siobhán tak musí využiť všetky svoje vedomosti a aj za cenu ľudských životov zabrániť rozšíreniu nákazy na pevninu.


Harry a Hendersonovci

Harry a Hendersonovci 1987


Rodina Hendersonovcov táborí v prírode. Pri ceste domov sa im nešťastnou náhodou podarí zraziť veľké zviera. George zacúva späť a ide sa pozrieť, či je zviera nažive. Veľmi ho prekvapí, keď zistí, že tvor vyzerá ako mŕtvy yetti. Spoločnými silami ho naložia na strechu vozidla a chcú ho odovzdať do prírodovedného múzea. Yetti však nie je mŕtvy, v noci sa prebudí, vnikne do domu a chce jedlo. Rodina sa naňho postupne zvyká, poznáva jeho vlastnosti a dokonca mu dá aj meno Harry. Keďže si ho aj na čele so starým otcom obľúbia a chcú si ho nechať. Neskôr sa však po príhovore profesora Dr. Wallacea Wrigtwooda rozhodnú, že je správne vrátiť ho do prírody, kde je navyknutý žiť. V meste sa šíri panika a zachváti ho lov na yettiho. George zostáva pokojný, ale to len do chvíle, keď sa do honu zapojí lovec Jacques LaFleur, ktorý pátra po yettim už celé roky. Harryho treba zachrániť!


Expedition Bigfoot

Expedition Bigfoot 2019


An elite team of Sasquatch specialists journey into the unforgiving Oregon wilderness in search of Bigfoot. The three-week expedition, based on science and expertise, may finally pull the elusive beast out of the pages of legend and lore and into reality.


Godzilla Singular Point

Godzilla Singular Point 2021


Brought together by a mysterious song, a grad student and an engineer lead the fight against an unimaginable force that may spell doom for the world.


Destination Truth

Destination Truth 2007


Destination Truth is a weekly American paranormal reality television series that premiered on June 6, 2007, on Syfy. Produced by Mandt Bros. Productions and Ping Pong Productions, the program follows paranormal researcher Josh Gates around the world to investigate claims of the supernatural, mainly in the field of cryptozoology.


Mountain Monsters

Mountain Monsters 2013


Professional hillbilly hunters search for mysterious creatures that people have claimed to have seen in West Virginia.



MonsterQuest 2007


Follows the search for various cryptozoological creatures and paranormal entities reportedly witnessed around the world.


Finding Bigfoot

Finding Bigfoot 2011


From small towns in the South to remote areas of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, four eccentric but passionate members of the Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) embark on one single-minded mission - to find the elusive "creature" known as Bigfoot or the Sasquatch.


Cryptid: The Swamp Beast

Cryptid: The Swamp Beast 2014


Cryptid follows animal control in a remote Louisiana bayou as disturbing events terrorize the community. It explores strange local folklore, legends, and history as they search for the cause of the grisly events that continue to unfold.


On the Trail of... Bigfoot

On the Trail of... Bigfoot 1970


From Small Town Monsters and filmmaker, Seth Breedlove (The Mothman of Point Pleasant, The Bray Road Beast) comes this stunning, 6 episode miniseries. Setting out the detail the entire history of the Bigfoot phenomenon, On the Trail of Bigfoot was filmed coast to coast during 2018 and features witnesses and investigators of the elusive creature. Episodes 1-3 are titled "The Legend" and recall the history of the subject up to present day. From the Ape Canyon attack at Mt St Helens to a visit to the Chestnut Ridge, these three episodes take you deeper into the Bigfoot subject than you've ever gone before. Written by Seth Breedlove


On the trail of... Champ

On the trail of... Champ 2018


Centuries of lore, sightings and mystery surround North America’s most infamous lake monster, affectionately known as “Champ”.



REAL or FAKE 2015


Bill Day investigates unknown creatures


In Search of Monsters

In Search of Monsters 2019


Haunting creatures come to life in a hunt for the truth about infamous monsters and their origins. Experts explore the latest evidence, eyewitness encounters and active investigations while unveiling their mind-blowing theories about these nightmarish beasts.


Swamp Monsters

Swamp Monsters 2014


The Bayou Enforcement Agency on Supernatural Threats track down mythical Cajun creatures.


The Bigfoot Project

The Bigfoot Project 2021


Follow filmmaker and researcher Seth Breedlove as he stays on a property in Minerva Ohio, home of the famous Minerva Monster. Over the course of several episodes, Breedlove will find the answer to the question "are they still here?"


Monsters Underground

Monsters Underground 2014


Bigfoot hunter Bill Brock from Maine searches for monsters in caves


Fabulous Animals

Fabulous Animals 1975


Travelers' stories have long fueled beliefs in the existence of dragons, giants, sea monsters, mermaids, and magical unicorns in distant corners of the world. David Attenborough investigates these legends to uncover the truth.


The X Creatures

The X Creatures 1970


The X Creatures is a British documentary television series that was produced by the BBC in 1998, which was broadcast in 1999 on BBC 1. It was presented by Chris Packham, and examined the possibility of the existence of cryptozoological creatures. The name of the show was a reference to the popular fictional television show The X-Files. Each episode involved Chris Packham travelling to a certain place on Earth where the creature supposedly exists, and examining eye witness accounts, as opposed to searching for the creature. No VHS or DVD releases were ever made.