Stratené v preklade

Stratené v preklade 2003


Bob Harrris je filmová hviezda, prichádzajúci do Tokia natočiť reklamu na whisky. Charlotte je mladá žena, ktorá je v Tokiu spolu so zaneprázdneným manželom, ktorý pracuje ako fotograf. Osudy Boba a Charlotte sa jednej noci pretnú v jednom z luxusných hotelových barov. Práve tu sa začína utvárať zvláštne priateľstvo. Behom pár dní poznávajú Tokio i samých seba.



Opravár 1996


Chip je servisný technik káblovej televízie, muž, ktorého si človek nesmie nikdy pripustiť k telu, lebo sa ho už nikdy nezbaví. A presne to sa stane mladému architektovi Stevenovi, ktorý potrebuje zaviesť káblovú televíziu. Chip mu ponúkne, že zariadi sledovanie televízie bez mesačných poplatkov. Steven súhlasí, no to nemal robiť. Chip sa mu mieša ustavične do života, všetko prevráti naruby. A to len preto, že chce zúfalo získať dobrého kamaráta. Keď mu nesmelý Robin konečne dá najavo, že nie jeho priateľom, Chip pripraví strašný plán pomsty.


Vzplanutie na Rye Lane

Vzplanutie na Rye Lane 2023


Vzplanutie na Rye Lane je romantická komédia od mladej režisérky Raine Allenovej-Millerovej. David Jonsson a Vivian Oparah hrajú Doma a Yas, dvoch dvadsiatnikov spamätávajúcich sa z nepríjemných rozchodov, ktorí sa spoznajú počas rušného dňa v južnom Londýne, a navzájom si pomáhajú vyrovnať sa so svojimi hroznými bývalými, čo im napokon prinavráti vieru v lásku.


Romantický únos

Romantický únos 1997


On je stroskotanec, ktorý pracuje ako upratovač v kancelárii a píše knižný trhák, ktorý určite zaberie, ona je znudená dcéra bezpáteřného milionára. Tí dvaja sú si súdení, lenže osud im to niekedy nevie a nechce splniť. A tak sú na Zem vyslaní dvaja anjeli s dôležitou úlohou, buď tých dvoch spoja, alebo sa môžu rozlúčiť s návratom "tam hore". A keďže zostup z neba na zem je dosť náročný, nehovoriac o tom, že s vyhliadkou na to, že človek - vlastne, pardon, anjel - zostane dokonca medzi zlými, sa anjelské duo snaží ako o život. Ale nie je to také jednoduché. Všetko komplikujú, ale aj zjednodušujú únosy, vydieranie, lúpeže, hudba, tanec, strelné zbrane a mnohé ďalšie "banálne" záležitosti.


Vianočné Carpool Karaoke

Vianočné Carpool Karaoke 2024


James Corden odovzdá kľúče Zaneovi Lowovi, ktorý vyrazí na cesty na medzinárodný výlet. Zane sa naladí na sviatočnú atmosféru, ktorú vytvoria Dua Lipa v Japonsku, Chappell Roan v rodnom Missouri a Lady Gaga v Los Angeles a vstúpi do zimnej krajiny zázrakov popových dív.


Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 2003


Usagi Tsukino is a clumsy teenage girl who becomes a Magical Girl named Sailor Moon after meeting a cat named Luna, who tells her she is a destined warrior who must find the reincarnated princess of a lost kingdom. Along the way, she meets other reincarnated warriors who join her group known as the Sailor Senshi who fight the forces of the evil mastermind behind the Dark Kingdom.



Singderella 2016


South Korean variety show where the cast and their special guests battle it out through a karaoke singing competition, the winning performers are rewarded with the ingredients needed to make late night snacks.


Carpool Karaoke

Carpool Karaoke 2017


Based on James Corden show Carpool Karaoke where the host invites famous musical guests to sing along to their songs with him whilst traveling in a car driven by the host


Carpool Karaoke: The Series

Carpool Karaoke: The Series 2017


Celebrity pairings ride along in a car together as they sing tunes from their personal playlists and surprise fans who don't expect to see big stars belting out tunes one lane over.



Rebooting 2023


A comedy focusing on Kondo Asami, a 33-year-old single woman who lives with her parents and works at the local city hall, and suddenly finds herself starting her life over from scratch.


Haha Bus

Haha Bus 2023


Haha and Byul, known as typical lovebirds, and their three children (Dream, Soul, and Song), who have unique charms and colors, go on a bus trip. As Song, the youngest, brightens up the mood, the entire family shows off cheerful vibes. Haha's family gathers on a show for the first time, then repairs the old bus and names it "HaHa Bus" to start traveling all around the country. Let us join the memorable bus trip with Haha’s family and see how they communicate with various neighbors, eat delicious food, and make unforgettable family memories that will be remembered for the rest of their life.


The Singing Bee

The Singing Bee 2007


The Singing Bee is a karaoke game show that originally aired on NBC and now airs on CMT. Combining karaoke singing with a spelling bee-style competition, this show features contestants trying to remember the lyrics to popular songs. Originally slated to begin with a six episode series during the fall of 2007, it launched early in reaction to FOX's competing Don't Forget the Lyrics!.


Don't Forget the Lyrics!

Don't Forget the Lyrics! 2007


Contestants will choose songs from different genres, decades and musical artists, then they’ll take center stage to sing alongside the studio band as the lyrics are projected on screen – but suddenly the music will stop and the words will disappear. Will the contestants belt out the correct missing lyric, or freeze under pressure? If they sing 9 songs correctly, they are presented with a No. 1 hit and one final missing lyric for the top prize of $1 million. It's that simple: 10 songs, 10 missing lyrics, 1 million dollars.


Permis de chanter

Permis de chanter 2016


Comedian Mario Tessier and a celebrity guest sing familiar tunes in crowded public places in and around Montreal with the help of a portable karaoke machine.


Killer Karaoke

Killer Karaoke 2012


Hitting all the wrong notes, in the best possible way, contestants are challenged to perform their favorite songs in extreme and outrageous circumstances.


Say What? Karaoke

Say What? Karaoke 1970


Say What? Karaoke was a game show that aired on the American cable television network MTV. The show evolved from the former MTV show: Say What?.