
Popstars 2000


Popstars is a German reality television series that began its first installment on the RTL II network on November 14, 2000. Part of the international Popstars franchise, it originated from the same-titled New Zealand reality program. The show accompanies the making of pop music bands whose members depend on the particular season's concept. In its ten seasons, it spawned musical acts No Angels, Bro'Sis, Overground, Preluders, Nu Pagadi, Monrose, Room 2012, Queensberry, Some & Any, LaViVe and Melouria.


Köln 50667

Köln 50667 2013


The show is set in the city of Cologne and follows the lives of a group of young people in their twenties and thirties. The characters work, live, and love in the city, and the show focuses on their relationships, dramas, and personal struggles.


Berlin - Tag & Nacht

Berlin - Tag & Nacht 2011


A german reality-TV soap opera with various changing protagonists, mainly young people and bachelors, trying to live their lifes in the giant metropole of Berlin.


Hartz und Herzlich

Hartz und Herzlich 2016


They say people from the Ruhr area wear their 'heart on their sleeve'. The social documentary accompanies the sometimes oppressive everyday life of people from the Ruhr area for four months, but they always have their hearts in the right place.


Love Island: Hot Flirts & True Love

Love Island: Hot Flirts & True Love 2017


On Love Island, a group of candidates called "Islander" live isolated from the outside world in a villa on Mallorca (Tenerife in spring 2021), under constant observation by video cameras. In order to stay in the villa, one must be linked to another "Islander", whether it is for love, friendship is the basis or for calculation (the couple remaining at the end receives 50,000 euros in prize money).


Der Trödeltrupp - Das Geld liegt im Keller

Der Trödeltrupp - Das Geld liegt im Keller 2009


The junk troop - The Money Lies in the Basement is a RTL II documentary soap that helps people make money from their old items...The ebay valuer Sükrü Pehlivan, the antique dealer Mauro Corradino, the household dissolver and junk dealer Otto Schulte and formerly the student of psychology and antique dealer Antoine Richard act as moderators. In some episodes, the junk dealer Detlev Kümmel supports the team of moderators..


Die Reimanns – Ein außergewöhnliches Leben

Die Reimanns – Ein außergewöhnliches Leben 2013


Die Reimanns - Ein außergewöhnliches Leben (The Reimanns - An Extraordinary Life) is a German docu-soap about the German entrepreneur Konny Reimann and his family, who emigrated to the USA. To live the American Dream, the family emigrated to the United States. At first, the family lived in the small town of Gainesville in Texas, but later Konny and his wife moved to Hawaii on the island of O'ahu. They own a sprawling estate there called "Konny Island", where they are accompanied by the camera team in their daily lives.


Grip - Das Motormagazin

Grip - Das Motormagazin 2008


Thrills, adrenaline, passion, speed, adventure - all this can be described in just four letters: GRIP! This superlative automotive magazine is always about one thing: Fun! The team around presenter and racing driver Matthias Malmedie has pure petrol in their blood and checks everything that has an engine for fun factor and power formula. "GRIP - Das Motormagazin" shows the hottest car trends every week, dares rapid tests and gives competent tips.



Ottifants 1993


Otto's Ottifants is an animated series published in 1993, featuring the famous elephant-like characters created by german comedian Otto Walkes. Within a short period of time the humorous stories of Family Bommel and their notorious baby Bruno won the hearts of many young and old people in all the German-speaking areas in Europe.


Riding High

Riding High 1995


Fifteen-year-old Wendy lives at Lindentree, a riding school and horse stud, with her parents Charles and Helen. Mad about horses and fiercely devoted to family and friends, Wendy's life primarily revolves around winning a place on the national junior show jumping team, and saving Lindentree from outside forces.