Jack King The Moving Spirit Power to Fly Сиреневое такси Hamilton the Musical Elephant The Question Charley's Black Magic The Monster of Highgate Ponds Тяжёлый металл Автомания 2000 Ruddigore Piping Hot Автомания 2000 Charley in New Town Midsummer Nightmare Charley in New Town The Five Water for Firefighting The History of the Cinema The Christmas Visitor Charley in New Town The History of the Cinema Your Very Good Health Charley Junior's Schooldays The History of the Cinema Your Very Good Health Автомания 2000 Water for Firefighting The Candlemaker The Question Автомания 2000 As Old as the Hills Звероферма The History of the Cinema Hamilton in the Music Festival Dying for a Smoke Robinson Charley The Candlemaker The Christmas Visitor The Christmas Visitor Hamilton the Musical Elephant The Owl And The Pussycat Звероферма Dying for a Smoke The Owl And The Pussycat The Owl And The Pussycat Robinson Charley As Old as the Hills Down a Long Way The Candlemaker Water for Firefighting As Old as the Hills The Axe and the Lamp The Axe and the Lamp The Axe and the Lamp The Figurehead Dolly, Put the Kettle On Little Tom Thumb A Short Tall Story Topology Midsummer Nightmare The Butterfly Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast The Butterfly Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast