Ernest Vajda Улыбающийся лейтенант A papagály A víg özvegy Payment Deferred Веселая вдова Барреты с Уимпол-стрит Мария-Антуанетта Парад любви The Guardsman He Stayed for Breakfast The Great Garrick They Dare Not Love Сын Индии Dramatic School Reunion in Vienna Service for Ladies Нежная улыбка Manhattan Cocktail A Woman Rebels Monsieur Albert Monsieur Albert Innocents of Paris Broken Lullaby The Crown of Lies The Woman on Trial Loves of an Actress Королева Кристина Samson und Delila A Night of Mystery Service for Ladies His Private Life Personal Property Tonight or Never You Never Know Women Manhattan Cowboy The Cat's Pajamas Hotel Potemkin Grounds for Divorce His Tiger Lady Monte Carlo Das unbekannte Morgen Tragödie im Hause Habsburg Das unbekannte Morgen Die Schuld der Lavinia Morland Marquis Preferred Such Men Are Dangerous Such Men Are Dangerous Jedermanns Weib Herren der Meere Serenade Stars and Stripes Forever