James W. Sullivan Target Earth Джонни-гитара Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla Hellfire Sun Valley Cyclone Singing Guns Salt Lake Raiders Blood Arrow The Confession Sweethearts on Parade That's My Man Woman They Almost Lynched City That Never Sleeps Angel on the Amazon Johnny Trouble Летающие морпехи Mexicana The Hairy Ape Шпион в зелёной шляпе Invasion, U.S.A. Limbo Out of the Storm Back from the Dead Bandits of the West That Brennan Girl The Fabulous Texan Чарро! Вокруг света за 80 дней A Rage to Live If He Hollers, Let Him Go! The Unknown Terror Return of the Gunfighter Belle Le Grand Desert Hell Surrender The World of Henry Orient Women from Headquarters Найти «Красную ведьму» Боец из Кентукки Too Late for Tears Murder Is My Beat Perils of the Jungle Гавайи The Bigamist I, Jane Doe The Cheaters Паутина The Gallant Legion Пески Иво Дзимы