Hugh Prosser Vacation Days The Sea Hound Northern Pursuit Pirates of the High Seas Adventures of Kitty O'Day The Adventures of Sir Galahad The Texas Rangers Cody of the Pony Express Pardon My Past Congo Bill The Phantom Rider Daredevils of the Clouds The French Key The Night Riders Мать-одиночка Излучина реки Янки при дворе короля Артура Dragnet Outlaw Gold Hands Across the Rockies Son of the Guardsman Trail to Laredo Riders of the Deadline Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc. Сердце побережья Бэрбери На линии огня Canyon Ambush Roar of the Iron Horse Across the Badlands Six-Gun Law Boss of Hangtown Mesa West of Cimarron Code of the Lawless Land of the Outlaws Range Law West of the Rio Grande The Vigilante: Fighting Hero of the West Lost Canyon Lady from Louisiana Western Renegades Sabotage Squad Border Patrol Devil Pays Off Mr. District Attorney Bruce Gentry Война в Северной Атлантике Mysterious Island Сквозь гордость, тоску и утраты Song of the Range The Great Jewel Robber Double Exposure Caged Fury Jack Armstrong Человек из Аламо