
Фрогмен 2024


Будучи 10-летним, во время семейной поездки Даллас поймал на камеру фрогмена — загадочное существо, реальность которого подвергается сомнению. 20 лет спустя парень решает посрамить посмеявшегося над ним видеоблогера и в компании трёх друзей отправляется снимать документалку про фрогмена.


The Marginal Service

The Marginal Service 2023


After being fired from his detective job, Brian receives a strange letter. He heads to the address written on the envelope and finds himself among the Marginal Service! This motley crew of fearless men and a woman (and a squirrel) are tasked with hunting down aliens. And Brian just became their newest member.


Me and Moffun

Me and Moffun 2023


Me and Moffun is about the cryptid hunter, Panpy. He goes out searching for a legendary yeti in the snowy mountains. There he meets the yeti, Moffun, who takes him to the Mofu Village. The story revolves around Panpy's adventures with Moffun in the village.