Токийские мстители

Токийские мстители 2021


Однажды 26-летний неудачник Такэмити узнает, что Хината и её младший брат Наото убиты токийской бандой Мандзикай. Парень потрясен этой новостью, потому что Хината была его первой любовью в школьные годы. На следующий день Такэмити падает под поезд и перемещается на 10 лет назад. Он решает изменить будущее, чтобы спасти девушку, а для этого ему нужно уничтожить Мандзикай.


Вороны: Начало

Вороны: Начало 2007


Судзуран — школа, за всю историю которой ни один, даже самый борзый школьник, не сумел забраться на самый верх, дабы управлять остальными. Но однажды, в своем стремлении завоевать «Воронью школу», здесь схлестываются двое: Серидзава, который держит всех в страхе уже не первый год, и новичок Гендзи. Жажда власти ведет их к последнему бою, и этот путь пролегает через покорение более слабых, мордобои и подставы. Но сколько бы ни было в людях жестокости, человеческие чувства живут в них. Есть тут место и дружбе, и самопожертвованию, и сплоченности, без которых не может существовать никакая система. Но, по закону жанра, должен остаться только один…


Вороны: Продолжение

Вороны: Продолжение 2009


Школа для мальчиков «Судзаран» известна дикими нравами. За все время существования там перебывало невероятное количество малолетних преступников. Но ни один из них не смог стать главарем школы — всегда находился кто-нибудь, кто оспаривал титул, и бои шли до бесконечности. В первой части «Вороны: Начало» главарем Судзарана становится Генджи Такайя — сын главы бандитского клана. Действие «Вороны: Продолжение» происходит через 8 месяцев после событий первого фильма. Прежде, чем окончить школу, Генджи Такайя решает одержать верх над конкурирующей школой, лидер которой готовит атаку на Судзаран… Веселье продолжается!


Взлёты и падения: Отбросы X

Взлёты и падения: Отбросы X 2022


Действие происходит через три года после событий фильма "Взлеты и падения: Отбросы". Стремящийся стать главарём очного отделения Оякоу, Ханаока Фудзио, отправляется искать Лао - сильнейшего ученика школы Судзуран, о котором ходит множество легенд.



OUT 2023



Majisuka Academy

Majisuka Academy 2010


Two transfer students, Atsuko Maeda and Onizuka Daruma came at the all-girls school Majisuka Gakuen. In this school violence and fighting are common among the Yankee students. Noisy and trouble maker Daruma made a fuss as soon as she entered the school, win in her first fight but then was beaten easily by another gang shortly after. In contrary to Daruma's bold-but-powerless attitude, Maeda who is truthfully a strong girl despite of her silent nature found Daruma is beaten by Team Hormon before her. The word "Majisuka?" (means are you serious?) instantly awaken her true nature and made her won the battle against Daruma's attackers easily, thus made a big fuss at the school and the news even reached the strongest fighting group, Rappapa. Afterwards, Daruma acknowledged Maeda as her boss and as a result the friendship between the two girls began to grow along with their fights with fellow students at their school.


Tokyo Revengers

Tokyo Revengers 2021


Takemichi Hanagaki is a freelancer that’s reached the absolute pits of despair in his life. He finds out that the only girlfriend he ever had, in middle school, Hinata Tachibana, had been killed by the ruthless Tokyo Manji Gang. The day after hearing about her death, he’s standing on the station platform and ends up being pushed over onto the tracks by a herd of people. He closes his eyes thinking he’s about to die, but when he opens his eyes back up, he somehow had gone back in time 12 years. Now that he’s back living the best days of his life, Takemichi decides to get revenge on his life.





Haruka Sakura wants nothing to do with weaklings—he's only interested in the strongest of the strong. He's just started at Furin High School, a school of degenerates known only for their brawling strength—strength they use to protect their town from anyone who wishes it ill. But Haruka's not interested in being a hero or being part of any sort of team—he just wants to fight his way to the top!



Sanctuary 2023


A tough, desperate kid becomes a sumo wrestler, captivating fans with his cocky attitude — and upsetting an industry steeped in tradition.





Arajin Tomoshibi’s reunion with his old pal Matakara Asamine takes an unexpected turn when they stumble into a brawl with the toughest guys in town. And just when you thought things couldn’t get weirder, a colossal genie decides to drop in. Brace yourself for the ultimate showdown. It’s the clash of the cool and the magical!


HiGH & LOW: The Story of S.W.O.R.D.

HiGH & LOW: The Story of S.W.O.R.D. 2015


A town once dominated by Mugen has been split into 5 districts dominated by S.W.O.R.D., the 5 gangs: Sannoh Rengokai, White Rascals, Oya Kohkoh, Rude Boys and Daruma Ikka. Mugen's grip on the town ended after the legendary Amamiya Brothers refused to submit to their will. The 5 gangs fight for their pride and glory, but the mysterious Mighty Warriors appear.



Clover 2012


Based on the manga "Clover" by Tetsuhiro Hirakawa. Hayato (Kento Kaku) comes back to his hometown after he left during his elementary school days. Hayato is now transferred to hometown high school as a freshman. He rebuilds friendships with his childhood friend Tomoki (Takahiro Miura) and Kenji (Suzunosuke). Hayato is good at fighting and frequently gets into trouble. With his strength and help from friends, Hayato attempts to move past his earlier troubles



HiGH&LOW THE WORST Episode.0 2019


The story tells what happened at the Oya Institute after the fight in the containers of the High and Low movie. Fujio and Tsukasa were students from Oya High School, but Fujio had to move to a school in the countryside where his grandfather lives to take care of him. While in the institute new students will try to take control.



Drop 2023


The story of a 15-year-old junior high school student. Hiroshi transfers from a private school to a public one in order to emulate the delinquents in his manga books. On his first day, he's challenged by the school's most notorious delinquent, Iguchi Tatsuya, and ends up beaten and caught by a detective. He finally gains recognition by winning a one-on-one fight against a student from another school, and joins the ranks of delinquents, leading a life of fighting against other schools.



6 from HiGH&LOW THE WORST 2020


Fujio Hanaoka, Seiji Kirihara, Shinya Oochi, Masaya Oochi, Madoka Ishii and Arata Maekawa are friends and they grew up together. They gather together to celebrate Seiji's birthday. The friends dig out a time a capsule they buried 10 years ago. They also write a letter to themselves for 10 years in the future and place it into a new time capsule. Afterwards, the friends experience tragedy.


Be-Bop High School

Be-Bop High School 1990


For the invincible and basically happy punk lads Hiroshi and Toru, what they care about every day is to get a lot of attention from girls and to win the fights against the lads from other schools. Whenever provoked, they just go out fighting and settle the situation no matter what it costs.