Вся правда

Вся правда 2021


Мать несовершеннолетних парня и девушки попадает в аварию и оказывается в коме, поэтому ребята вынужденно переезжают к бабушке и дедушке. В своей комнате они внезапно видят странную дыру в стене, которую бабуля с дедулей упорно не замечают. Вскоре дыра начнёт звать парня и показывать ему страшные вещи, а девушке откроются ужасающие семейные тайны.


Я люблю тебя

Я люблю тебя 2022


Современная история любви, действие которой разворачивается в недалеком будущем, где здание с искусственным интеллектом питается от человеческих чувств. Из-за программного сбоя он влюбляется в настоящую девушку, сбегает из здания в тело настоящего мужчины и пытается завоевать ее расположение.


Дядюшка Бунми, который помнит свои прошлые жизни

Дядюшка Бунми, который помнит свои прошлые жизни 2010


Дядюшка Боонмее страдает острой почечной недостаточностью и решает провести остаток дней у родственников в деревне. Здесь ему являются призраки умершей жены и пропавшего сына и принимают его в свои крылатые объятья. Раздумывая над причинами своей болезни, дядюшка Боонмее вместе со своей семьей пересекает джунгли и достигает пещеры на вершине горы, где родилась его первая жизнь…



Три 2002


Оригинальный альманах мистических новелл «Три» - сборник жутковатых историй, снятых в духе «Баек из склепа», но с оригинальным, самобытным взглядом азиатского кинематографа. «Воспоминания» - история первая, за авторством корейского режиссера Джи-Вун Кима, медитативная и немного грустная социально-мистическая мелодрама слегка в стиле «Шестого чувства». «Колесо» - рассказ о проклятых куклах тайского театра. «Возвращаясь домой» - работа гонконгского режиссера Питера Чана — история о призраках, нетрадиционной народной медицине и большой любви.


Спасательная операция

Спасательная операция 2021


На протяжении двух недель летом 2018 года мир был прикован к новостям с севера Таиланда. Группа из 12 школьников-футболистов во главе с тренером осматривала систему экзотических пещер и внезапно оказалась отрезана от внешнего мира из-за сильного наводнения. Военные и энтузиасты-дайверы вступили в лихорадочную гонку со временем, чтобы найти и спасти ребят от гибели.



Френдзона 2019


Палм уже 10 лет безответно влюблён в бывшую одноклассницу Гинк. В старших классах парень помогал ей следить за отцом, который, как она и подозревала, изменял матери, а теперь носится с ней по всей Юго-Восточной Азии за предположительно неверным бойфрендом. Паранойя, слёзы, истерики, а так же признания, как Гинк повезло иметь такого преданного друга, всегда готового бросить все дела и прийти на помощь. Своей болью Палм делится с тремя неудачниками, которые как и он безнадёжно застряли во френдзоне предметов своего обожания.



Мегазавр 2023


Группа студентов отправляется на отдалённый остров для изучения загадочного и редкого растения. Вскоре они сталкиваются с огромным кровожадным крокодилом.



36 2012



Всего одна ночь

Всего одна ночь 2016


Гао Е проигрывает все деньги, которые попадают ему в руки. Когда у кредиторов лопнуло терпение, подосланные бандиты поставили Гао ультиматум — либо деньги, либо забирают его дочь. У Е не осталось выхода, кроме как покончить с собой. В этот момент в его комнату заваливается проститутка Момо...


Риам: Боевой Ангел

Риам: Боевой Ангел 2020


После того, как семья Риам была похищена жестокими бандитами, чтобы заставить ее выйти замуж за их босса, Риам нужно найти способ спасти семью и выбраться из этого безумной / смертельной истории.


Забери меня домой

Забери меня домой 2016


После потери памяти в результате автомобильной аварии Тан пытается вспомнить, кто он и откуда. В конце концов он находит данные, которые приводят его в родной дом. Но чем больше он узнает свою семью, тем больше секретов ему открывается.


Pen Tor

Pen Tor 2004


A successful man at a publishing company tries to rekindle his romance with an ex-girlfriend as those around him also search for love amidst conflict.


Krong Karawek

Krong Karawek 2025


When the “family diamond machine ” disappeared like a puzzle Causing one family to face serious allegations that it is “the thief ” the only way to recover dignity and find the truth Is to reveal the mystery of “the Wakefield House ” that is full of secrets and clues waiting to solve the mystery.


MasterChef Thailand

MasterChef Thailand 2017


Thai version of the competitive cooking reality show, based on the original British series of MasterChef, open to amateur and home chefs.


The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense 2012


This is a story about a group of spirit mediums that help relay messages from the other side to help others.



Dhevaprom 2024


Dhevaprom is a Thai lakorn based on the novel of the same name and written by the same writers as its preceding story ... The Five Brothers series, that aired in 2013. Dhevaprom consists of Laorchan, Kwanruetai, Jaiphisut, Dujapsorn and Porncheewan.


A Recipe for Love

A Recipe for Love 2009


Alin is a dwindling actress unable to compete with younger rising starlets. When she is approached to do a cooking show “Soot Aroi Gap Alin (Delicious Recipes with Alin)”, she accepts, hoping it will save her career and also to bring her closer to the owner of the show, Anucha. One problem, she can’t cook. She hires Din, a foul-mouth chef, for cooking lessons. Slowly she learns how to cook and her show is a major ratings hit. Also at this time, Alin develops a personal relationship with her cooking teacher, not a romantic one. She begins to consult with him about her life and love. As her relationship blossoms with the man of her dreams, she begins to question about the relationship she has with her chef. Though Anucha is the man of her dreams and can give her things she superficially desires (glamor and stardom), Din makes her happy. Who will she choose?


Bu Ram Pram Pra

Bu Ram Pram Pra 2015


The nobility of the young stars, experiencing life and to avoid going to the islands in the Andaman Sea. A weird name 'Gavin island, which has a cool ocean young man owned a beautiful resort. Count the stars you do not think that would have come across the amazing life story. On that evening, severe storms, torrential rain. Then with one-liners wade into the sea to rescue the boy out. Everything would go well. If a child is not a guy ... And then proceeded to get dressed up to Tiger. Fully Tri's grandson gave his morale. Jada leather strap tied talked billion Rain แkenhantns anointed King Ounalom ' "What do these dice one too," the star asked in amazement. If the answer was to make the girl fall to amaze. When the kids were little waves and almost drowned looked up and said. "Named Sut ..."


Twist of Fate

Twist of Fate 2024


Their family had been broken by a misunderstanding that caused the twin brothers' separation. However, they are brought back into each other's lives because of love. The two twins crossroad in Wimala's life at different times. One twin, Thiwa, comes from far away. The other, Tawan, comes into her life during chaos. Which one will she choose?


3 Sam Taharn Suea Sao Series

3 Sam Taharn Suea Sao Series 2013


3 Musketeers is written by Kingchat. It tells the story of 3 young female journalists of Siam San newspaper through 3 novels: Mayatawan, Monchantra, and Fa Krachang Dao. 1. Mattana, a 23-year-old girl, is a young reporter with no background.


4 Hearts of the Mountains

4 Hearts of the Mountains 2010


This is Ch.3's biggest project as a Ch.3 40 years celebration. It's a lakorn serie consisting of 4 separate but intertwining lakorns: "Thara Himalai", "Duangjai Akkanee", "Pathapee Leh Ruk", and "Wayupak Montra". It is based from a series of 4 books by the same name and uses the same casts for all 4 lakorns. The 4 lakorns can be separated into different pages, but I think it's better to leave them all in the same page because they're part of one single series.


Fah Mee Ta

Fah Mee Ta 2021


This anthology series reflects societal issues. With a circulating cast of famous actors, each episode presents a new story to remind us that what we put out into the world, we receive in turn.


Look Tard

Look Tard 2014


Kaew (Ken) is a slave in the late 1800′s Thailand under King Chulalongkorn’s reign during the Chakri dynasty. He grows up during a time when slavery is coming to an end in Thailand. Kaew is what you would call a grandfathered slave meaning in all technicality he is a slave because his parents were slaves. He essentially inherited the disposition of being a slave. Society was changing, new laws were put in place that would allow Kaew to retire from slavery at 21. However, his master (creditor), Phraya Chaiyakorn refused to free him. The story centers around Kaew, his struggle for freedom and the love he has for Namtip played by ‘Bella’ Ranee Campen, the young noble woman who is the daughter of his master and the heart of his inner strength. Eventually he does obtain his freedom and becomes a nobleman.


Neung Nai Suang (2015)

Neung Nai Suang (2015) 2015


Poom, a beautiful girl with no parents, meets Neung at a party. Neung is a handsome son of a former renowned diplomat that just came back from studying in France. Every girl wants to get to know him. But after the first glance, Neung falls in love with Poom straightaway. He has forgotten that he knew her before. On the other hand, Poom deeply remembers that Neung used to bully her when they were young. He always bullied her for being chubby and having a feisty attitude toward him. He also looked down on her for not having any parents and being someone of lower status. So she really doesn't like him. But when they have to dance together at the party, Poom rejects him and runs away.


Reed Wrapped Wire Flowers

Reed Wrapped Wire Flowers 2013


When a beautiful and sharp young one decides to disguise himself as the successor to a very large and wealthy family; a successor who also happened to flee his wedding, a drama of all sorts ensues. The story of a couple who disguise themselves as an assistant cook and his wife.



Cute 2014


A wealth television company producing a documentary creates waves in the community.


Kom Faek

Kom Faek 2018


A group of gangs lead the world into the bloody action of Bangkok in the 70s. The atmosphere of animosity between the bad guys and good guys unlock everyone's experiences of beginning to find the chains within true love, family, and friends. Gun and San are students of Akanee about Kom Faek learning. They are best friends but then Gun becomes a policeman. He catched a suspect about a drug case, that is San's father. Their friendship is broken, and Gun's love relationship with Anchan who is San's sister is also broken because of a misunderstanding. San becomes a powerful person, selling drugs and illegal weapons. Gun has to fight with his friend. Plerng and Ongard are his helpers. Ongard falls in love with Kraroag, a girl who likes Gun. Plerng falls in love with Tapao who is Gun's sister.


My Little Saucy Girl

My Little Saucy Girl 2021


She is spicy, saucy, and gutsy. She will get you every time! Lukkaew is petite in size but big on character and can be feisty. Her nickname is Little Miss Sassy (Gaenkaew!) She is an advocate for sustainable farming. She has been pushing several farmers to move towards a farming system that is more sustainable – environmentally, economically, and socially. It is not an easy task, and she has an uphill battle to tackle because she is young and the farmers don’t quite understand the system. To make matters worse, she comes across Saran, the new Forest Chief who always goes by the book, and refuses to go by her rules. She has to deal with the farmers and Saran, who is her no. 1 enemy. The battle of wit and sauciness is about to begin!


Mansion of Blood

Mansion of Blood 2019


Mekhin is a immortal spirit who's been asleep for a long time. He was awaken by a spell, and is now back for his revenge and love from the past. The only thing that can stop him is Kaew Khon Lek, a stone which can destroy spirits.



Irresistible 2017


Massaya's father, who is the adoptive son of the Rattanamahasarn family, is kicked out, along with his wife and child, of the Rattanamahasarn family for marrying her mother, who's believed to be a "low class" Malay woman. Both parents have passed away early she was brought up by her maternal grandfather.


Something In The Wind

Something In The Wind 2023


Daracha is a 35-year-old woman who is well-educated and has a simple life with a set routine. After the failure of her first love, she has never opened up her heart to anyone. That is, until one day, Wayu arrives into her world. The younger man is in his late twenties but loves to live his life freely, without the restrictions of a nine-to-five job and other societal expectations. Despite being so different from each other, the two fall in love and are happy. However, everyone around Daracha considers this relationship to be unacceptable as Wayu does not have a stable job like her and spends his life only today without planning for the future or taking quick actions when problems arise.