Robert Tessier Starcrash Hard Times Steel Breakheart Pass The Velvet Vampire Hooper Bona Future Force Double Exposure No Safe Haven Cry Blood Apache Imperiul pierdut The Glory Stompers The Jesus Trip The Villain Fertilize the Blaspheming Bombshell! The Longest Yard Cursa ghiulea Cannon The Deep Un autre homme, une autre chance Private Duty Nurses The Born Losers Outlaw Riders Avenging Angel Nightwish Beverly Hills Brats Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze One Man Force The Billion Dollar Threat Last of the Mohicans The Sword and the Sorcerer Five the Hard Way Breakheart Pass Magnum, P.I. CHiPs Sledge Hammer! Incredibilul Hulk Kung Fu The A-Team Starsky și Hutch Little House on the Prairie Linguri de argint Buck Rogers în secolul XXV Manimal Hart to Hart The Fall Guy Vega$ The A-Team Die schlechtesten Filme aller Zeiten