Nash Edgerton Matrix reîncărcat Shark Macbeth Zero Dark Thirty: Misiunea: 00.30 A.M. Bear Rătăcitorul Whipping Boy Căpitanul Ucenic pentru crimă Spider Darul American Ultra Lucky Lupta pentru supraviețuire Never Tell Me Never Numărul patru June Again In The Night Mullet Crossbow Deadline Omul invizibil The List Bloodlock The IF Thing Loaded BlackJack: Sweet Science The Amber Amulet Moara Roșie! The Hard Word Police Rescue: The Movie Florence Has Left the Building The Silence Cody: A Family Affair Emerald Falls Boy Erased - Confesiunile unui băiat The Square Shark Spider Bear Bear Beverly Hills Family Robinson The Sugar Factory Moara Roșie! Babe: Pig in the City Sinister 2 Matrix Războiul stelelor - Episodul II: Atacul clonelor Războiul stelelor - Episodul III: Răzbunarea Lorzilor Sith I Love Sarah Jane Pentuphouse Like Minds In the Winter Dark Matrix: Revoluții Lucky Griff the Invisible Căpitanul Dumpy Goes to the Big Smoke Shark The Magician Ultimele zile în deșert Shark Spider Gringo: Amator în misiune Lucky Femeile secolului al 20-lea Întunericul Darul Snowblind A fost odată la… Hollywood The Postcard Bandit I Don't Understand You Zero Dark Thirty: Misiunea: 00.30 A.M. Căpitanul Transfusion Wish You Were Here First Daughter The Square American Pastoral Cascadorul Judy și Punch Întâlnire explozivă Boy Erased - Confesiunile unui băiat Gringo: Amator în misiune Hoții de celebritate Equalizer Toate locurile luminoase Drumul lui Wendy Inside the Square The King Risk Lucky Spider Netherland Dwarf Sold Out Deadline Deadline Deadline Deadline Deadline The IF Thing The IF Thing The IF Thing Fuel Fuel The Square The Pitch The Pitch The Pitch The Pitch Jac et Bill Jac et Bill Bloodlock Bloodlock Bloodlock Căpitanul Miracle Fish The Island Loaded Loaded Loaded Loaded Praise Drumul lui Wendy Little Monsters Babyteeth: prima iubire Bear The Magician Florence Has Left the Building Direct din Compton American Ultra Water Rats Police Rescue Mr Inbetween Mr Inbetween Mr Inbetween Mr Inbetween Mr Inbetween Mr Inbetween Mr Inbetween Mr Inbetween