Mark Humphrey Iron Eagle II Vipere The Wives He Forgot Living with the Enemy Cruel But Necessary Engaged to be Murdered Still Small Voices Treacherous Beauties Dial S for Santa Family of Cops III Encounter with Danger The Journey Ahead Love on your Doorstep Gilded Newport Mysteries: Murder at the Breakers Rescuers: Stories of Courage - Two Women Poison I'll Be Seeing You Run for Your Life When I Think of Christmas Little Girl Lost: The Delimar Vera Story To Catch a Killer Pee-Wee Goes to Prison Reckless Disregard Christmas Bells Are Ringing Killer in the Guest House Air Rage Breach of Faith: A Family of Cops II When Calls The Heart: New Year's Wish When Calls The Heart: Christmas Criminaliștii: Miami Alias War of the Worlds E.N.G. Millennium Highlander: The Raven Total Recall 2070 Aleea cu licurici Viper Justiție militară Pământul: Conflictul final She Spies Primul val The Irrational When Calls the Heart