Joe Kraemer Chi Girl Score: A Film Music Documentary Room 6 Hard Ground The Trail to Hope Rose The Thirst Jack Reacher. Un glonț la țintă Framed Murder 101: If Wishes Were Horses Învățătorul perfect Cloudy with a Chance of Love Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting Misiune: Imposibilă - Națiunea secretă A Lesson in Romance The Girl from Dinosaur Island Game Over Douăsprezece fără zece A Time to Remember Avenging Angel Sacrifices of the Heart Prairie Fever The Poseidon Adventure Regele popicelor Esmeraldero Eaton's Water My Big Fat Independent Movie Old Man Emily och den magiska resan 88 The Kidnapping The Apple Tree Rosemont The Way of the Gun Casa morților 2 Un loc numit acasă Jane Doe: Ties That Bind Tăntălăul și Gogomanul Mystery Woman Mystery Woman: Snapshot Mystery Woman: Vision of a Murder Official Rejection Keep the Gaslight Burning King Cohen All Souls Day: Dia de los Muertos Elsie Hooper The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot Kindred Spirits Dawn Patrol Mystery Woman: Oh Baby Mystery Woman: Redemption