Hugh O'Conor Ciocolată cu dragoste Blueberry Deathwatch Flick Rawhead Rex Speed Dating The Young Poisoner's Handbook Hotel Splendide Three Wise Women Killing Bono Bloom Children and Animals Submerged The Stag The Unusual Inventions of Henry Cavendish The Boy from Mercury Lamb Waiting for Dublin Summer of the Flying Saucer Da 1946 30 Years to Life Coney Island Baby Usta Beni Öldürsene Lola Pilgrimage The Three Musketeers My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown Botched Shem the Penman Sings Again Handsome Devil Mary Shelley Northanger Abbey Un film cu mine în el Property of the State A Terrible Beauty Saving the Titanic Wild Decembers Words Upon the Window Pane Showbands Red Hot Sonja Stella Days Metal Heart Children and Animals Corduroy Corduroy Metal Heart Worry World The Overcoat The Overcoat Lewis Smother Miss Scarlet and the Duke Ripper Street Resistance Small Town, Big Story