Thelma Schoonmaker Scorsese's GoodFellas Raging Bull: Inside the Ring Raging Bull: Outside the Ring Raging Bull: After the Fight The Making of 'Cape Fear' The Eye of the Beholder Filming for Your Life: Making After Hours Edge of Outside At the Video Store Inside Rupert Pupkin Bad 25 Getting Made: The Making of 'GoodFellas' Filming for Your Life: Making ‘After Hours’ Visions, Dreams and Magic: The Unmade Films of Michael Powell The Scorsese Machine Painting with Light Innocence and Experience: The Making of 'The Age of Innocence' Glorious Technicolor The Key to Reserva Thelma Schoonmaker Powell on 'The Red Shoes' Optimisme et Volonté Edge The Art of Motion Picture Editing The Collaboration Of A Lifetime: Scorsese’s Epic The Irishman Cameraman: The Life and Work of Jack Cardiff Martin Scorsese's Journey Into Silence Michael Powell Regele comediei Casino Cârtița Taurul furios Promontoriul groazei Băieți buni Vârsta inocenței După ore Bandele din New York Ultima ispită a lui Iisus Culoarea banilor Între viață și moarte Hugo Lupul de pe Wall Street Who's That Knocking at My Door Aviatorul Made in Milan The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny, and Murder Tăcerea "Echoes of the Soil": The Unsung Stars of Gone to Earth Insula Shutter Kundun Woodstock Woodstock Made in England: The Films of Powell and Pressburger बॉम्बे वेलवेट Eu și Earl și fata muribundă Il mio viaggio in Italia Irlandezul: Asasinul mafiei Grace of My Heart Wings Over the World Rockshow Omul de zăpadă New York Stories Learning to Drive The Neighborhood Passages from James Joyce's Finnegans Wake Street Scenes The Key to Reserva Regele comediei Crimele din Osage County: Bani însângerați The Virgin President