Franco Columbu Terminatorul Revenirea Pompând Fier Stay Hungry The Hustler of Muscle Beach Ancient Warriors Beretta's Island Conan barbarul Perduta Il ritmo del silenzio Big Top Pee-wee Getting Physical Taken Alive Arnold & Sly: Rivals, Friends, Icons Dreamland - La terra dei sogni Rocky IV : Le Coup de poing américain Doublecross on Costa's Island Rickles... On the Loose One More Round Fier brut: Facerea „Pompând Fier” Justiţia viitorului Schwarzenegger: Total Rebuild The Road To Olympia Herakles Prădătorul Ancient Warriors Beretta's Island Apocalipsa Doublecross on Costa's Island Taken Alive Taken Alive Doublecross on Costa's Island Getting Physical Ștergătorul Doublecross on Costa's Island Beretta's Island Povestiri din criptă Cel mai puternic om al lumii Emisiunea lui Mike Douglas