Dan Wyllie Muriel's Wedding Romper Stomper Chopper Holy Smoke Animal Kingdom The Last Confession of Alexander Pearce Spotswood Sanctum The Turning Vânătorul La hotarul dintre viață și moarte The King Is Dead! The Broken Shore Recipe for Murder Promisiunea Martha's New Coat Jasper Jones Charlie's Country Omul arzător War Machine Captivi fără scăpare Passengers Go Karts Redball Prey Peter Pan Ezra White, LL.B. The Money Cosi The IMAX Nutcracker Unconditional Love Cody: Wrong Stuff Curtin Dirt Music The Alice The Entertainment System Is Down Love Me Tender Iubesc calea mea The Straits Wakefield My Place Bad Cop, Bad Cop Puberty Blues Bastard Boys Afghanistan: Inside Australia's War Codul No Activity Underbelly Kangaroo Creek Gang Orașul secret Blue Murder: Killer Cop Police Rescue Romper Stomper It's a Date Vălul secretelor Underbelly Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries The Beautiful Lie Ecaterina Tangle The Shark Net SLiDE Water Rats Teritoriu