Terence Stamp Națiunea extraterestră The Real McCoy Minciunile separate Operațiunea Valkyrie Far from the Madding Crowd Superman Wall Street The Limey The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Amor cu fiica șefului meu The Haunted Mansion Billy Budd Teorema Bowfinger Scăpați de Smart Young Guns The Sicilian Superman II Planeta roșie Wanted Vulturii legali Elektra Tonite Let's All Make Love in London Misterio en la isla de los monstruos Histoires extraordinaires Modesty Blaise Ma femme est une actrice The Collector September Dawn Gardienii destinului Legătura Divina creatura Dead Fish The Hit Morte in Vaticano Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie Genuine Risk Term of Trial Fade In Poor Cow Revelation Big Eyes. Ferestrele sufletului Meetings with Remarkable Men Tiré à part Un cântec pentru Marion Lambert & Stamp The Thief of Baghdad The Mind of Mr. Soames Fellini nel cestino Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired Blue Fellini: Je suis un grand menteur Amo non amo Arta hoției Norman Wisdom: His Story Y llegó el amor Mindbender The Alamut Ambush Omul Da Una stagione all'inferno Beltenebros The Cold War Killers Războiul stelelor - Episodul I: Amenințarea fantomei The Kiss Hud Licanthropus, il figlio della notte Copiii domnişoarei Peregrine: Între două lumi Full Frontal Between a Frock and a Hard Place Striptease The Deadly Recruits Hu-Man Kiss the Sky These Foolish Things Untitled Priscilla, Queen of the Desert sequel Extaz Bitter Harvest Crow Ladies Please! Casa necinstită Francis Bacon: A Brush with Violence The Making of 'Superman: The Movie' The Making of 'Superman II' Fame, Fashion and Photography: The Real Blow Up The Company of Wolves Vacanță criminală Viking Destiny Nureyev Unzipped 9/11: The Twin Towers A fost odată-n Soho Directed by William Wyler Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut 1966: A Nation Remembers The Making of Oblivion You Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga of Superman Location: Far from the Madding Crowd The Bloody Chamber Hu-Man Static Shock Foamea Chessgame V Graham Norton Hollywood U.K.: British Cinema in the Sixties Smallville Scene by Scene Materiile întunecate