Anna Neagle The Queen's Affair Yellow Canary Odette The Man Who Wouldn't Talk They Flew Alone I Live in Grosvenor Square Elizabeth of Ladymead Irene Sunny Piccadilly Incident Spring in Park Lane The Three Maxims The Courtneys of Curzon Street London Melody Peg of Old Drury Nurse Edith Cavell Bitter Sweet Victoria the Great Sixty Glorious Years Lilacs in the Spring The Lady with a Lamp Nell Gwyn My Teenage Daughter King's Rhapsody Those Who Love Doamna e demodată Derby Day No Time for Tears Maytime in Mayfair The Little Damozel The Chinese Bungalow No, No, Nanette Forever and a Day The Volunteer The School for Scandal Should a Doctor Tell? The Flag Lieutenant Good Night, Vienna Limelight Odette The Heart of a Man Wonderful Things Doamna e demodată Maytime in Mayfair The Lady with a Lamp These Dangerous Years Tales of the Unexpected