Paul Sylbert Guilt Trip: Hitchcock and 'The Wrong Man' Pentru a termina toate războaiele Bad Company Riot Baby Doll The Journey of Natty Gann Pão de Açúcar Teoria conspirației The Steagle Teenage Millionaire Firstborn The Pope of Greenwich Village Oportunități în carieră Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci The Pick-up Artist The Drowning Pool Gorky Park Sliver Wolfen Biloxi Blues A Face in the Crowd Prințul mareelor Kramer vs. Kramer Omul greșit The Steagle Rosewood Mikey and Nicky The Tiger Makes Out Heaven Can Wait Nadine Rush Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home Expulzarea Pontius Pilate Nighthawks Hardcore Resurrection Milk Money The Grass Harp Ishtar Fresh Horses