Lisa Hannan Vampire Journals Oblivion 2: Backlash Naturally Native Jack Îngheț Stranger Than Fiction Murder in Mind Head of the Family 100 de femei Moș Crăciun cu mușchi The Real Deal BitterSweet Sketch Artist II: Hands That See Sworn to Justice Cover Me Things Behind the Sun Omul-Păianjen 2 Osânda Omega Hot Tamale Repli-Kate Coldblooded Blind Horizon The Rage Bonă dorită Harpies Prehysteria! 3 The Demolitionist Mega Snake S.W.A.T. - Trupe de elita Pariu riscant 100 Mile Rule Embrace of the Vampire Kissing Cousins The Last Run Alex in Wonder Artworks Catch That Kid Eight Days a Week Adrenalin: Fear the Rush Glam Retroactive The Cold Equations Nemesis 4: Death Angel Nemesis 3: Time Lapse The Paradise Virus Legend of The Roller Blade Seven Drive Zarkorr! The Invader Cyber Bandits Virtual Encounters Venus Rising Pe vârfurile degetelor Almost Salinas Little Witches