Hugo Weaving Stăpânul inelelor: Frăția inelului Stăpânul inelelor: Cele două turnuri Stăpânul inelelor: Întoarcerea regelui Matrix Matrix reîncărcat Matrix: Revoluții V de la Vendetta Căpitanul America: Primul răzbunător Transformers - Războiul lor în lumea noastră The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Omul lup Transformers: Răzbunarea celor învinși Teacups Babe: Pig in the City The Magic Pudding Last Ride Babe: Cel mai curajos porc din lume Happy Feet - Mumble cel mai tare dansator Peștele mic Peaches Legende din regatul bufnițelor The Matrix Revisited Proof Reckless Kelly Transformers 3 The Tender Hook Confessions of an Action Star The Old Man Who Read Love Stories Hobbitul: O călătorie neașteptată Happy Feet 2: Mumble dansează din nou Strange Planet The Turning The Interview Portocale și răsărit Atlasul norilor Tackling Peace The Girl Who Swallowed Bees The Rooster After the Deluge The Key Man Hobbitul: Bătălia celor cinci oștiri Frauds Ringers: Lord of the Fans The Royal Hotel We're All Going to Die True Love and Chaos Mystery Road The Mule The Right Hand Man Franklin Wendy Cracked a Walnut Healing Horseplay How to Make Gravy For Love Alone The Custodian Russian Doll Un tărâm ciudat Doamnelor și domnilor The City's Edge Wild Australia: The Edge Between a Frock and a Hard Place Everything Goes Dadah Is Death The Dressmaker Untitled Priscilla, Queen of the Desert sequel Bedrooms and Hallways Road to Alice A Filmmaker's Journey: Making 'The Return of the King' Beyond the Movie: The Return of the King Fără armă în linia întâi Ladies Please! Jasper Jones Black '47 Quest for the Ring Behind the Skull Mașinării infernale The Forgotten Force A Passage to Middle-Earth: Making of 'Lord of the Rings' In the Company of Actors The Soul of War: Making 'Hacksaw Ridge' Measure for Measure Hearts and Bones The Matrix Reloaded Revisited The Matrix Revolutions Revisited I, Spry Loveland Australia's Lost Impressionist The Matrix Recalibrated Making 'The Matrix' Mind Over Matter: The Physicality of the Matrix Future The Matrix Reloaded: Pre-Load The Matrix Revolutions: Double Agent Smith Lone Wolf The Kiss Wild Australia: After the Fires ...Maybe This Time Little Echo Lost Lord of the Piercing V代表复仇 Corabia lui Tezeu Russian Doll Vederea HypaSpace Bangkok Hilton Bodyline The Bite Bordertown After the Deluge Rake Mr. Corman Frontier Love Me Patrick Melrose Seven Types of Ambiguity Melba The Bridge Australia Secvențele oneste Omul Koala The Dirtwater Dynasty Halifax f.p. Australia in Colour Caii înceți