Patricia Roc We'll Meet Again Două mii de femei The Wicked Lady Canyon Passage Retour à la vie The Man on the Eiffel Tower The Brothers Circle of Danger Două țărmuri Madonna of the Seven Moons Millions Like Us Bits of Our Aircraft are Missing The Gaunt Stranger The Perfect Woman Le avventura di Cartouche Bluebeard's 10 Honeymoons When The Bough Breaks A Window in London Let the People Sing The Rebel Son So Well Remembered Jassy One Night with You Love Story The House in the Woods Three Silent Men The Hypnotist Black Jack The Missing People Torticola contre Frankensberg Suspected Person The Farmer's Wife It Happened to One Man The Divorce of Lady X Dr. O'Dowd La vedova X Holiday Camp Something Money Can't Buy Son copain My Wife's Family The Mind of Mr. Reeder The Saint No Hiding Place