Spirit: Armăsarul Vestului Sălbatic

Spirit: Armăsarul Vestului Sălbatic 2002


Un cal maiestuos născut în sălbăticie cunoaște cruzimea și bunătatea după ce întâlnește oameni pentru prima dată, refuzând totodată să se lase îmblânzit.


Din greșeală împreună

Din greșeală împreună 2014


După o întâlnire pe nevăzute dezastruoasă, Lauren și Jim, părinți celibatari, se pun de acord asupra unui lucru: să nu se mai întâlnească niciodată. Însă fiecare pleacă într-o vacanță cu copiii și ajung să locuiască în același apartament luxos timp de o săptămână de safari în Africa.


Muntele dintre noi

Muntele dintre noi 2017


Naufragiați după un accident de avion tragic, doi străini trebuie să creeze o legătură pentru a supraviețui elementelor extreme ale unui munte acoperit de zăpadă. Când își dau seama că ajutorul nu vine, ei se îmbarcă într-o călătorie periculoasă în mijlocul pustiului.



Pinguinii 2019


Aceasta este povestea lui Steve, un pinguin din specia Adélie, care vrea să-și întemeieze o familie. Își caută, firește, parteneră. Steve o întâlnește pe Wuzzo, din specia pinguinilor imperiali. Cei doi se împrietenesc, însă toate sunt complicate în înghețata Antarctică.


Omul grizzly

Omul grizzly 2005


Un documentar de exceptie al regizorului Werner Herzog, care investigheaza viata in salbaticie si moartea lui Timothy Treadwell, un impatimit al ursilor Grizzly. Filmul se bazeaza pe jurnalul video al lui Treadwell, montat de Herzog in combinatie cu propriul material - interviuri cu diverse persoane din anturajul lui Treadwell, filmari in locatiile vizitate de acesta si un monolog-naratiune care apartine chiar regizorului. Un documentar intens care impresioneaza, care pune omul fata in fata cu salbaticia si forteaza granitele dintre cele doua tabere. Legile salbaticiei sunt nescrise, dar cand Treadwell le incalca, fraudarea lor nu scapa nepedepsita.


Născută în libertate

Născută în libertate 1966


Joy Adamson și soțul ei, George Adamson, cresc un pui de leu, o femelă pe nume Elsa. Când Elsa se apropie de maturitate, Joy hotărăște că leoaica trebuie învățată să se descurce singură pentru a se putea adapta în sălbăticie.



Roar 1981




Elefantul 2020


Disneynature’s Elephant urmărește elefantul african Shani și fiul ei plin de spirit Jomo, în timp ce turma lor fac o călătorie epică de sute de kilometri prin vastul deșert Kalahari. Conduși de marea lor matriarhă, Gaia, familia se confruntă cu o căldură brutală, resurse în scădere și prădători persistenți, în timp ce calcă pe urmele strămoșilor lor într-o încercare de a ajunge într-un paradis verde și luxuriant.



Cimpanzeul 2012


Filmul prezintă aventurile unei familii de cimpanzei care trăiește în Uganda. Un cimpanezeu în vârstă de 3 ani este separat de familia sa şi apoi este adoptat de către un cimpanezeu mascul.



Countryfile 1988


The people, places and stories making news in the British countryside.



Nature 1982


Consistently stunning documentaries transport viewers to far-flung locations ranging from the torrid African plains to the chilly splendours of icy Antarctica. The show's primary focus is on animals and ecosystems around the world. A comic book based on the show, meant to be used an as educational tool for kids, was briefly distributed to museums and schools at no cost in the mid-2000s.


Texas Parks and Wildlife

Texas Parks and Wildlife 1970


A weekly outdoors/nature series focusing on the incredible diversity of wildlife, scenic locations and fascinating characters that make Texas unique.


Natural World

Natural World 1983


Natural World is a nature documentary television series broadcast annually on BBC Two and regarded by the BBC as its flagship natural history brand. It is currently the longest-running series in its genre on British television, with more than 400 episodes broadcast since its inception in 1983. Natural World is produced by the BBC Natural History Unit in Bristol, but individual programmes can be in-house productions, collaborative productions with other broadcasters or films made and distributed by independent production companies and purchased by the BBC. Natural World programmes are often broadcast as PBS Nature episodes in the USA. Since 2008, most Natural World programmes have been shot and broadcast in high definition.


Planet Earth

Planet Earth 2006


David Attenborough celebrates the amazing variety of the natural world in this epic documentary series, filmed over four years across 64 different countries.


Wild Hokkaido!

Wild Hokkaido! 2017


Be immersed in nature's beauty. Discover Hokkaido at its wildest and best as our presenter guides you through its amazing experiences.



Dynasties 2018


Follow the true stories of five of the world's most celebrated, yet endangered animals; penguins, chimpanzees, lions, painted wolves and tigers. Each in a heroic struggle against rivals and against the forces of nature, these families fight for their own survival and for the future of their dynasties.


The Really Wild Show

The Really Wild Show 1986


The Really Wild Show was a long-running British television show about wildlife, broadcast by the BBC as part of their CBBC service to children. It also runs on Animal Planet in the US. The show was broadcast continuously since 21 January 1986. In April 2006 the BBC announced that the show would be axed that summer, and as such the last ever episode was shown in April 2006, giving the show a run of 20 years.


Our Planet

Our Planet 2019


Experience our planet's natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.


Ultramarine Magmell

Ultramarine Magmell 2019


One day in the middle of the pacific ocean a miracle occurred, a new continent appeared out of nowhere! The new continent was the home for new and mysterious plants, creatures and minerals! Humanity is excited as the age of exploration has returned.



Yellowstone 2009


A natural history portrait of a year in Yellowstone, following the fortunes of America's wildlife icons as they face the challenges of one of the most extraordinary wildernesses on Earth.


Walking with Dinosaurs

Walking with Dinosaurs 1999


Combining fact and informed speculation with cutting-edge computer graphics and animatronics effects, the series set out to create the most accurate portrayal of prehistoric animals ever seen on the screen.


The Crocodile Hunter

The Crocodile Hunter 1997


Australian host Steve Irwin and his wife Terri run a wildlife refuge. Their shared passion is educating the world about wildlife, including the much feared crocodile and numerous venomous snakes. Steve's specialty is the capture and relocation of crocodiles. No animal appears too threatening to Steve, his true respect for animals is the foundation for everything he does.


The Blue Planet

The Blue Planet 2001


Sir David Attenborough narrates this critically acclaimed series that dives deep into the marine environment of Planet Earth. Although two-thirds of the world's surface is covered with water, scientists know less about the oceans than they do about the surface of the moon. This limited series travels from various coasts to the poles to examine watery denizens ranging from the gigantic blue whale to microscopic coral polyps.


Jim Henson's Animal Show with Stinky and Jake

Jim Henson's Animal Show with Stinky and Jake 1994


The show was hosted by Jake, a jovial polar bear, and Stinky, his skunk friend. Other main characters included Armstrong the Chicken Hawk, Ollie the Tapir, Bunnie Bear, Tizzy the Bee, Yves St. La Roache, Rhonda Rat, and Dullard the Aardvark. Structured as a talk show, the hosts interviewed two guest animals in each episode. The animals talked about themselves and showed clips of their real-life counterparts.


Seven Worlds, One Planet

Seven Worlds, One Planet 2019


Millions of years ago, incredible forces ripped apart the Earth’s crust creating seven extraordinary continents. This documentary series reveals how each distinct continent has shaped the unique animal life found there.


Life in the Undergrowth

Life in the Undergrowth 2005


David Attenborough reveals the amazing stories behind the tiny lives of invertebrates, exploring their incredible miniature world with ground-breaking camerawork and technology.


The Hunt

The Hunt 2015


This major landmark series looks in detail at the fascinating relationship between predators and their prey. Rather than concentrating on ‘the blood and guts’ of predation, the series looks in unprecedented detail at the strategies predators use to catch their food and prey use to escape death. Sir David Attenborough narrates.


A Perfect Planet

A Perfect Planet 2021


A unique fusion of blue chip natural history and earth science that explains how our living planet operates. This five-part series shows how the forces of nature drive, shape and support Earth’s great diversity of wildlife.