Cercul de foc

Cercul de foc 2013


Când legiuni de creaturi monstruoase, cunoscute sub numele de Kaiju, s-au ridicat din mare, a început un război ce va costa milioane de vieți și va consuma resursele omenirii de-a lungul anilor. Pentru a combate uriașul Kaiju, a fost conceput un tip special de arme: roboți masivi, numiți Jaegers, care sunt controlați simultan de doi piloți ale căror minți sunt împreunate într-o reţea neuronală. Dar chiar și Jaegerii se dovedesc a fi aproape lipsiți de apărare în fața necruţătorilor Kaiju. În pragul înfrângerii, forțele care apără omenirea nu au de ales decât să se întoarcă înspre doi eroi neobişnuiţi - un fost pilot ratat (Charlie Hunnam) și un recrut fără experienţă (Rinko Kikuchi) - care sunt făcuţi coechipieri pentru a conduce un Jaeger legendar dar aparent depășit, din timpuri trecute. Împreună, ei reprezintă ultima speranță a omenirii împotriva apocalipsei mondiale.


Vrei să te însori cu mine?

Vrei să te însori cu mine? 2009


O editoare autoritară află că-și poate pierde viza și că riscă să fie deportată, așa că își obligă asistentul surmenat să se însoare cu ea.


30 de zile de noapte

30 de zile de noapte 2007


Când întunericul se lasă peste micul oraș Barrow din Alaska pentru o lună, locuitorii trebuie să înfrunte un grup de vampiri însetați de sânge.



Togo 2019


În anul 1925, într-un sat izolat din Alaska izbucnește o epidemie de difterie care afectează o parte dintre locuitorii de acolo, în special copii. Având în vedere că se apropie o furtună de zăpadă de proporții epice și că era imposibil de a folosi avioane pentru a aduce antidotul aflat într-un spital la 1000 de kilometri depărtare, singura soluție pe care o gasesc este de a folosi sănii trase de câini pentru a aduce medicamentul. Astfel, conducătorii orașului apelează la Leonhard Seppala și la echipa sa de câini campioni conduși de Togo. Aceștia vor porni într-o aventură care le va testa puterea, curajul și determinarea, înfruntând furtuna și fiind mereu la un pas de moarte. Filmul este bazat pe fapte reale și spune povestea lui Togo, declarat în anul 2011 de revista Time Magazine cel mai eroic animal al tuturor timpurilor.


The Grey: La limita supraviețuirii

The Grey: La limita supraviețuirii 2012


Întorcându-se spre casă, un grup de muncitori de la o rafinărie din Alaska, se prăbușesc cu avionul cu care traversau tundra și doar opt din ei supraviețuiesc. O haită de lupi fioroși, asemănători cu cei preistorici, în dimensiune și ferocitate, îi urmăresc pe supraviețuitorii accidentului aviatic. Printre ei, John Ottway, cel care la rafinărie ține animalele sălbatice departe pentru a-i proteja pe muncitori în timpul schimburilor, devine liderul celor opt care se luptă cu răni grave și vremea necruțătoare, având la dispoziție doar câteva zile pentru a scăpa din iadul înghețat și de haita feroce. Oare va reuși? Sau poate a venit rândul lupilor să se răzbune...


În sălbăticie

În sălbăticie 2007


Crescut într-o suburbie bogată din Washington DC, Christopher McCandless decide la 24 de ani să întrerupă legăturile cu familia, să renunțe la conturile bancare și să plece în sălbăticie. Ajuns în Alaska, Christopher renunță la mașină, își arde și ultimii bani și decide să se decurce singur în ținuturile pustii, vânând și mâncând rădăcini. Corpul lui a fost găsit cu câteva luni de zile mai târziu, cauza decesului fiind probabil inaniția.



Insomnia 2002


Doi detectivi ai omuciderilor din Los Angeles sunt trimiși într-un oraș din nord, unde soarele nu apune, să investigheze uciderea metodică a unei adolescente locale.


Omul grizzly

Omul grizzly 2005


Un documentar de exceptie al regizorului Werner Herzog, care investigheaza viata in salbaticie si moartea lui Timothy Treadwell, un impatimit al ursilor Grizzly. Filmul se bazeaza pe jurnalul video al lui Treadwell, montat de Herzog in combinatie cu propriul material - interviuri cu diverse persoane din anturajul lui Treadwell, filmari in locatiile vizitate de acesta si un monolog-naratiune care apartine chiar regizorului. Un documentar intens care impresioneaza, care pune omul fata in fata cu salbaticia si forteaza granitele dintre cele doua tabere. Legile salbaticiei sunt nescrise, dar cand Treadwell le incalca, fraudarea lor nu scapa nepedepsita.


Gold Rush

Gold Rush 2010


Follow the lives of ambitious miners as they head north in pursuit of gold. With new miners, new claims, new machines and new ways to pull gold out of the ground, the stakes are higher than ever. But will big risks lead to an even bigger pay out?


Deadliest Catch

Deadliest Catch 2005


Forty-foot waves, 700 pound crab pots, freezing temperatures and your mortality staring you in the face…it's all in a day's work for these modern day prospectors. During each episode we will watch crews race to meet their quota and make it home safely.


Northern Exposure

Northern Exposure 1990


After receiving a scholarship from the state, a recent Columbia University medical school graduate is required to set up his practice in an eccentric Alaskan town.


The Alaskans

The Alaskans 1959


The Alaskans is a 1959-1960 ABC/Warner Brothers western television series set during the late 1890s in the port of Skagway, Alaska. The show features Roger Moore as "Silky Harris" and Jeff York as "Reno McKee", a pair of adventurers intent on swindling travelers bound for the Yukon Territories during the height of the Klondike Gold Rush. Their plans are inevitably complicated by the presence of singer "Rocky Shaw", "an entertainer with a taste for the finer things in life". The show was the first regular work on American television for the British actor Roger Moore.


Mountain Men

Mountain Men 2012


Profiles of some of the men who choose to live off the grid in the unspoiled wilderness, where dangers like mudslides, falling trees and bears are all part of everyday life.


Life Below Zero

Life Below Zero 2013


Viewers go deep into an Alaskan winter to meet six tough and resilient residents as they try to stay one step ahead of storms and man-eating beasts to make it through to spring. The closest neighbor to Sue Aikens is more than 300 miles away. Eric Salitan subsists solely on what he hunts and forages. Chip and Agnes Hailstone catch fish for currency in bartering for supplies, and Andy and Kate Bassich use their pack of sled dogs for transportation.


Alaskan Bush People

Alaskan Bush People 2014


Deep in the Alaskan wilderness lives a newly discovered family who was born and raised wild. Billy Brown, his wife Ami and their seven grown children – 5 boys and 2 girls – are so far removed from civilization that they often go six to nine months of the year without seeing an outsider. They’ve developed their own accent and dialect, refer to themselves as a "wolf pack," and at night, all nine sleep together in a one-room cabin. Simply put, they are unlike any other family in America. Recently, according to the Browns, the cabin where they lived for years was seized and burned to the ground for being in the wrong location on public land.


Bering Sea Gold

Bering Sea Gold 2012


In the frontier town of Nome, Alaska, there’s a gold rush on. But you've never seen gold mining like this before — here, the precious metal isn't found in the ground. It’s sitting in the most unlikely of places: the bottom of the frigid, unpredictable Bering Sea. And there are a handful of people willing to risk it all to bring it to the surface.



Kodiak 1974


Kodiak is a short lived, half-hour adventure program that aired Friday evenings at 8:00 p.m Eastern time on ABC during the 1974-1975 television season. The show revolved around the main character of Cal "Kodiak" McKay, an Alaska State Trooper. Kodiak, always accompanied by his Eskimo sidekick Abraham Lincoln Imhook, used his four-wheel drive truck to track down desperate killers through 50,000 miles of Alaska backcountry. The show was broadcast against NBC's mega-hit Sanford and Son. Kodiak couldn't lure viewers in to watch and was cancelled after the first episode, although a total of four episodes were aired. The show was filmed in Bend, Oregon Using the Old Skyliners Ski Lodge as the primary Meeting Place.


Alaska: The Last Frontier

Alaska: The Last Frontier 2011


Centers on the Kilcher family and their community outside Homer, Alaska. Begun by patriarch Yule Kilcher who immigrated from Europe during WWII, and currently led by his sons, Otto and Atz Kilcher (singer Jewel's father) the family have lived on their land for four generations. The show also features the homesteaders who live nearby and interact with the Kilchers.


Men in Trees

Men in Trees 2006


Relationship coach Marin Frist knows what to look for, what to avoid and what will make her happy. As the many fans of her two bestselling books could tell you, we're all in charge of our own happiness. But like many people full of advice, she fails to apply it to herself. On her way to a speaking engagement in Alaska, she learns that her fiancé has cheated on her. Slapped in the face with personal failure, a snowstorm then leaves her stuck in a small town full of the one thing she really doesn't need—available men.


The Last Alaskans

The Last Alaskans 2015


In 1980, the U.S. government banned new human occupation in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, a protected area, home to thousands of native animals and pristine terrain spanning roughly the size of South Carolina. Currently, only a handful of families spread across seven permitted cabins are allowed to remain in the refuge. Within less than 100 years, all remaining permits will reach expiration, and there will be no human presence left.


Port Protection Alaska

Port Protection Alaska 2015


Port Protection is home to the few who have left behind normal society and chosen a different life in a remote Alaskan community, where survival of the individuals and community cannot sustain without the other. The stakes are high. The land is rugged and unforgiving and the seas which surround Port Protection are cold and merciless. With risk comes a reward more profound than mere survival: a world of beauty and freedom with the security of community and without the constraints of bureaucracy. In Port Protection there are no clear roads to survival, inhabitants must carve one themselves.



Outlast 2023


In the extreme Alaskan wild, 16 survivalists compete for a chance to win a massive cash prize — but these lone wolves must be part of a team to win.


Yukon Gold

Yukon Gold 2013


Five family-run mining camps risk everything in the hope of hitting the paystreak. Working grueling days under the midnight sun, the crews give it their all to battle the elements ... and each other.


Edge of Alaska

Edge of Alaska 2014


Hidden deep in the wilderness of Alaska is the toughest town in America: McCarthy. Only 42 residents brave the extreme conditions. They are mavericks, trailblazers, risk takers and rabble rousers, all trying to escape their past by surviving at the end of America.


Alaska Monsters

Alaska Monsters 2014


In Alaska is a region known as the Triangle - 200,000 unforgiving miles where more people go missing per capita than anywhere else on earth. ALASKA MONSTERS follows a team of native outdoorsmen as they take on the challenge of exploring the Triangle's treacherous terrain to prove native monsters are linked to these disappearances.


Teluk Alaska

Teluk Alaska 2021


Ana is surprised by the presence of a new student named Alister, whom she believes is her childhood best friend who has been separated from her for a long time.


Race to Survive

Race to Survive 2023


Teams of elite adventure racers and survival experts compete in unforgiving terrains to claim a life-changing cash prize.