Cuvânt cheie Anthology
Orașul păcatelor 2005
Bine ați venit în Orașul păcatelor (eng: Sin City). Acest oraș atrage bandiții, corupții și suferinzii. Unii îl numesc întunecat, dur. Pe de altă parte, alții îl numesc „acasă”. Polițiști necinstiți. Femei sexy. Gardieni disperați. Unii caută răzbunarea. Alții salvarea. Apoi, mai sunt și cei care speră la puțin din amândouă. Un univers al unor eroi neverosimili și apatici care se străduiesc totuși să facă ceea ce trebuie într-un oraș indiferent.
Povești trăsnite 2014
Lipsiți de apărare în fața unei realități care pe neașteptate poate deveni imprevizibilă, personajele din Wild Tales traversează granița subțire dintre civilizație și brutalitate. O poveste despre dragoste, dezamăgire, răzbunări ale trecutului, tragedie și chiar violența din detaliile vieții de zi cu zi. Toate apar pentru a-i împinge pe eroi pe buza prăpastiei, spre incontestabila plăcere a pierderii controlului.
Cenușăreasa II: Vise îndeplinite 2002
Prima poveste din carte este de fapt prima zi a Cenusaresei la palat dupa intoarcerea din luna de miere. Aceasta trebuie sa invete cum sa fie o printesa si de asemenea trebuie sa organizeze o petrecere in cinstea regelui. A doua poveste il are in prim plan pe unul din soriceii Cenusaresei. Acesta isi doreste sa petreaca mai mult timp cu Cenusareasa, insa nu reuseste deoarece, crede el, este mic. Atunci o roaga pe Zana sa il transforme in om insa asta il baga in o gramada de probleme. A treia poveste o prezinta pe Anastasia care se indragosteste de un brutar si nu stie cum sa-l cucereasca. De asemenea, pisoiul ei se indragosteste de o pisica draguta de la palat. Noroc ca Cenusareasa doreste sa-si ajute sora sa-si traiasca si ea povestea de dragoste. Cat despre pisica... aceasta primeste ajutor din partea soriceilor.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs 2018
O antologie a fraţilor Coen, compusă din şase povestiri, fiecare prezentând un alt aspect al vieţii în bătrânul Vest sălbatic.
Forme de bunătate 2024
Regizat de Yorgos Lanthimos, filmul „Forme de bunătate” este o fabulă de tip triptic, care urmărește povestea unui bărbat fără variante care încearcă să preia controlul asupra propriei vieți; a unui polițist alarmat de întoarcerea soției sale, care pare altă persoană după ce a fost dată dispărută pe mare; și a unei femei care, hotărâtă să găsească pe cineva anume cu o abilitate specială, este destinată să devină un lider spiritual extraordinar.
Patient Seven 2016
Filmul artistic 43 2013
Poveștile imorale 1974
Patru camere 1995
The French Dispatch 2021
Bizarre 1970
Miracolo italiano 1994
Povești de Halloween 2007
Se spune că în noaptea de Halloween morții se ridică din morminte și creaturi de neinimaginat bântuie libere. Un mic oraș află pe propria piele că tradițiile nu trebuie uitate și că ritualurile care apără oamenii de spirite ar fi bine să fie îndeplinite în fiecare an. Costume și dulciuri, goblini și fantome, monștri și dezastre, toate capătă însușiri noi în noaptea de Halloween, spre groaza locuitorilor din oraș care descoperă cu stupoare că sunt mari șanse să nu prindă zorii zilei următoare.
Dark Web 2017
Doors 2021
Biblia: La început... 1966
Acoperind doar primele 22 de capitole ale Cărții Genezei, vignetele includ: Adam și Eva zbârnâind în grădina Edenului până când răsfățul lor cu fructul interzis îi va vedea alungați; Cain ucigându-l pe fratele său Abel; Noe construin un chivot pentru a păstra animalele lumii de potopul care vine; iar Avraam făcând un legământ cu Dumnezeu.
Young Hearts 1995
Malhação is a Brazilian television series for the teenage audience. The soap started in 1995, and was set in a fictional Gym Club called Malhação on Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Through the years the location varied slightly. Although the name of the soap remains the same, it is now set in the Múltipla Escolha High School.
As the Saying Goes 2011
Dramatization of real-life situations and stories that are related to popular sayings, by Don Tomas.
Thirty-Minute Theatre 1965
Thirty-Minute Theatre is an anthology drama series of short plays shown on BBC Television between 1965 and 1973, which was used in part at least as a training ground for new writers, on account of its short running length, and which therefore attracted many writers who later became well known. Thirty-Minute Theatre followed on from a similarly named ITV series, beginning on BBC2 in 1965 with an adaptation of the black comedy Parsons Pleasure. In 1967 BBC2 launched the UK's first colour service, with the consequence that Thirty-Minute Theatre became the first drama series in the country to be shown in colour.
The White Lotus 2021
Follow the exploits of various guests and employees at an exclusive tropical resort over the span of a week as with each passing day, a darker complexity emerges in these picture-perfect travelers, the hotel’s cheerful employees and the idyllic locale itself.
Undressed 1999
A peek behind closed doors at the intricacies of modern relationships. Each episode features three different fictional stories and follows various characters to see what happened during their most intimate moments. No subject is too taboo. All the stories have one very important thing in common, though: someone inevitably gets undressed.
Four Star Playhouse 1952
Four Star Playhouse is an American television anthology series that ran from 1952 to 1956, sponsored in its first bi-weekly season by The Singer Company; Bristol-Myers became an alternate sponsor when it became a weekly series in the fall of 1953. The original premise was that Charles Boyer, Ida Lupino, David Niven, and Dick Powell would take turns starring in episodes. However, several other performers took the lead from time to time, including Ronald Colman and Joan Fontaine. Blake Edwards was among the writers and directors who contributed to the series. Edwards created the recurring character of illegal gambling house operator Willie Dante for Dick Powell to play on this series. The character was later revamped and spun off in his own series starring Howard Duff, then-husband of Lupino. The pilot for Meet McGraw, starring Frank Lovejoy, aired here, as did another episode in which Lovejoy recreated his role of Chicago newspaper reporter Randy Stone, from the radio drama Nightbeat.
The Alfred Hitchcock Hour 1962
A continuation of the anthology series “Alfred Hitchcock Presents”, hosted by the master of suspense and featuring thrillers and mysteries.
Climax! 1954
Climax! is an American anthology series that aired on CBS from 1954 to 1958. The series was hosted by William Lundigan and later co-hosted by Mary Costa. It was one of the few CBS programs of that era to be broadcast in color. Many of the episodes were performed and broadcast live.
Goosebumps 1995
Anything can turn spooky in this horror anthology series based on the best-selling books by master of kid horror, R.L. Stine. In every episode, see what happens when regular kids find themselves in scary situations, and how they work to confront and overcome their fears.
The Comic Strip Presents... 1982
The Comic Strip is a group of British comedians, who came to prominence in the 1980s. They are known for their television series The Comic Strip Presents... which was labelled as an example of alternative comedy. The core members are Adrian Edmondson, Dawn French, Rik Mayall, Nigel Planer, Peter Richardson, Jennifer Saunders and Alexei Sayle with frequent appearances by Keith Allen, Robbie Coltrane and others.
Underbelly 2008
Underbelly is an Australian television true crime-drama series, each series is a stand alone story based on real-life events.
Tales from the Darkside 1984
Tales from the Darkside is an anthology horror TV series created by George A. Romero, each episode was an individual short story that ended with a plot twist. The series' episodes spanned the genres of horror, science fiction, and fantasy, and some episodes featured elements of black comedy or more lighthearted themes.
Slasher 2016
Thirty years ago, in the sleepy community of Waterbury, a killer known as “The Executioner” murdered Sarah Bennett's parents. Now Sarah and her husband Dylan have returned to town, only to find herself the centerpiece in a series of horrifying murders centered around the seven deadly sins.
The Hitchhiker 1983
A young hitchhiker introduces characters who are about to experience a frightening and sometimes supernatural incident of some kind in this moody anthology series.
Horrible Histories 2009
Based on the best-selling children's books and liberally splattered with guts, blood and poo, a group of British comedians offer an anarchic and unconventional take on some of history's most gruesome and funny moments, with topics including the Stone Age, the Middle Ages, the Egyptians and the Romans, among others.
Night Gallery 1970
Rod Serling narrates an anthology of fantasy, horror and sci-fi stories from a set resembling a macabre museum. A chilling work of art serves as the connective link between the stories.
Play for Today 1970
Play for Today is a British television anthology drama series, produced by the BBC and transmitted on BBC1 from 1970 to 1984. During the run, more than three hundred programmes, featuring original television plays, and adaptations of stage plays and novels, were transmitted. The individual episodes were between fifty and a hundred minutes in duration.
Performance 1991
An anthology series of various plays and dramatic performances.
Kraft Suspense Theatre 1963
Kraft Suspense Theatre is an American anthology series that was telecast from 1963 to 1965 on NBC. Sponsored by Kraft Foods, it was seen three weeks out of every four and was pre-empted for Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall specials once monthly. Como's production company, Roncom Films, also produced Kraft Suspense Theatre. Writer, editor, critic and radio playwright Anthony Boucher served as consultant on the series. Later syndicated under the title Crisis, it was one of the few suspense series telecast in color at the time. While most of NBC's shows were in color then, all-color network line-ups did not become the norm until the 1966-67 season.
Suspense 1949
An anthology series adapted from the radio program of the same name. Like the radio program, many scripts were adaptations of literary classics by well-known authors. Classic authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Agatha Christie, and Charles Dickens all had stories adapted for the series, while contemporary authors such as Roald Dahl and Gore Vidal also contributed.