Mesaje secrete

Mesaje secrete 2002


În timpul celui de-al doilea rãzboi mondial, japonezii au reusit constant sã descifreze transmisiile militare codate ale Aliatilor, împiedicând astfel actiunile acestora. De aceea, în anul 1942, armata americanã a recrutat mai multe sute de soldati si cadre superioare, descendenti din indienii Navajo si i-a antrenat sã foloseascã un cod cifrat bazat pe limba lor maternã. Acest cod nu a fost niciodatã descifrat de japonezi si e considerat un element cheie în câstigarea rãzboiului. Datoritã succesului si posibilitãtii ca acest cod sã fie utilizat din nou în alte rãzboaie (cel din Coreea, de pildã), cunoscãtorii lui au fost pusi sã jure cã nu-si vor divulga contributia la rãzboi. Codul a fost fãcut public de-abia în anul 1968. Ca urmare, cei care au contribuit la reusita sa au rãmas, în mare parte, anonimi. Acest film le este dedicat lor.


The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch 2020


The investigation of the world’s most mysterious hot spot for UFO and “High Strangeness” phenomena with astrophysicist Dr. Travis Taylor who joins real estate tycoon Brandon Fugal, along with his team of scientists and researchers on Utah’s notorious Skinwalker Ranch. The team utilizes cutting edge technology to investigate the 512-acre property to uncover the possibly “otherworldly” perpetrators behind it all. With everything from mysterious animal deaths to hidden underground workings and possible gateways that open to other dimensions, witness the close encounters that go beyond conventional explanation, as the team risks everything to finally reveal the ultimate secret of Skinwalker Ranch.


Dark Winds

Dark Winds 2022


This psychological thriller follows two Navajo police officers, Leaphorn and Chee, in the 1970s Southwest as their search for clues in a grisly double murder case forces them to challenge their own spiritual beliefs and come to terms with the trauma of their pasts.


Navajo Police: Class 57

Navajo Police: Class 57 2023


Follow the officers and recruits of the Navajo Police Department through the rigorous training, the physical challenges, and the self-doubt, delving into their backstories to reveal an overview of life on the reservation and the motivations that drew them to the force. While the turbulent stories of Class 57 unfold in real time, the series provides an ever-widening portrait of the Navajo Nation at large.


Basketball or Nothing

Basketball or Nothing 2019


Follow the lives of the Chinle High basketball team in Arizona's Navajo Nation on a quest to win a state championship and bring pride to their isolated community.