Edward Mâini-de-foarfece

Edward Mâini-de-foarfece 1990


Un inventator visează să creeze un om artificial. Dar înainte de a-l putea termina pe Edward, el moare de un atac de cord. De atunci, Edward locuiește singur în castelul său și are foarfece acolo unde ar trebui să fie mâinile. Într-o zi viața lui ia o întorsătură când reprezentantul Avon Peg intră în castel. Peg îl ia pe băiatul cu mâinile foarfece. El se face rapid popular în cartier, tunzând tufișurile în tot felul de forme și mai târziu chiar coafând părul femeilor din suburbii. Dar până când ?


Nu te pune cu Zohan

Nu te pune cu Zohan 2008


Un soldat antiterorist israelit are ambiția secretă și fabuloasă de a deveni coafor-stilist în Manhattan și face tot ce-i stă în putință să-și vadă visul cu ochii.


Marele dictator

Marele dictator 1940


În Tomania dictatorul Adenoid Hynkel declanșează represiunea împotriva evreilor. Frumoasa Hannah și iubitul ei, un frizer care seamănă izbitor cu Hynkel, fug. Frizerul, capturat mai întâi, evadează din lagărul de concentrare și se lovește din greșeală de adevăratul dictator care este arestat în locul lui. De la microfoanele führerului, frizerul transmite lumii un mesaj lung de pace și speranță. Primul film despre care se vorbește în întregime de Chaplin, este o satiră anti-nazistă strălucitoare făcută atunci când armatele celui de-al Treilea Reich subjugaseră întreaga Europă. Printre secvențele antologice se numără dansul lui Hynkel cu globul și duetele cu Napoloni / Mussolini.


Trei culori: Alb

Trei culori: Alb 1994


Imigrantul polonez Karol Karol se trezește fără o căsnicie, un loc de muncă și o țară când soția sa franceză, Dominique, divorțează de el după șase luni din cauza impotenței sale. Forțat să părăsească Franța după ce a pierdut afacerea pe care o dețineau în comun, Karol îl înrolează pe un coleg expatriat polonez Mikolah pentru a-l aduce clandestin înapoi în patria lor.


Te iubesc oricum

Te iubesc oricum 2012


Philip (Brosnan), un englez care trăiește în Danemarca, este un văduv singuratic și tată al unui fiu care tocmai urmează să facă nuntă în Italia. Ida e o coafeză din Danemarca care se recuperează după un tratament de chimioterapie și care tocmai a fost părăsită de soț pentru o femeie mai tânără, Tilda. Destinele acestor două suflete rănite sunt pe cale să se interesecteze atunci când cei doi se îmbarcă într-o călătorie spre Italia, acolo unde urmează să aibă loc nunta lui Patrick, fiul lui Philip, cu Astrid, fiica Idei.



Șamponul 1975


George Roundy este un hairstylist în Beverly Hills, al cărui libido necontrolat stă între el și ambițiile sale. El vrea siguranță într-o relație, vrea să fie un important hairstylist și să își deschidă propriul salon. Dar faptul că el are relații cu soția, fiica și chiar amanta unui potențial finanțator nu îl ajută prea mult.


Crazy Over His Fingers: Just the Two of Us in a Salon After Closing

Crazy Over His Fingers: Just the Two of Us in a Salon After Closing 2020


Fumi works as an assistant at a popular salon in the city and is aiming to become a hairdresser. She receives strict guidance from Sousuke, the salon's charismatic hairdresser and manager. Every time he touches Fumi, she becomes agitated. One day after the salon closed, Fumi stands in as Sousuke's practice partner at the shampoo station. As he touches her and sprinkles her with water, she becomes angry again! Or so the thought...could she actually be attracted to him? Sousuke flashes an evil smile as he senses Fumi's heart, and his fingertips start to stroke every corner of her body...Fumi cannot refuse his fingers anymore.


What Did You Eat Yesterday?

What Did You Eat Yesterday? 2019


Kakei Shiro is a lawyer who works at a small law firm. He is a good cook and a meticulous and thrifty person who keeps the monthly food budget to 25,000 yen. Shiro’s daily routine is to leave work on time and head to a discount supermarket nearby. His partner Yabuki Kenji is the affable hairdresser. The two of them share a two-bedroom apartment and the finer points of two men living together comes up at the dining table every day.


Cutting It

Cutting It 2002


Allie Henshall and Gavin Ferraday are partners in love and business. They own Henshall Ferraday hair salon, where Allie's sisters Darcey and Sydney work alongside them. As Allie and Gavin consider taking over a vacant property across the road, they are rocked by the news that a rival hairdresser has bought it. To make matters worse, Allie discovers that the new salon, Blade Runner, is run by her ex, Finn, and his wife, Mia Bevan. Finn fathered the child Allie claimed to have aborted. He left her when he found out she was pregnant, but he's back in town to try and woo Allie.


The Last Cinderella

The Last Cinderella 2013


Sakura is a single 39-year-old woman who works as the assistant manager at a beauty salon. She spends her days making her customers look beautiful but doesn’t pay much attention to her own appearance. All of that changes when she goes to a party and meets Hiroto, a much younger man who is a biker. Will Sakura revel in the attention of the handsome but dangerous Hiroto or notice the constant interest of her hard-talking and hard-drinking salon manager, Rintaro?


Da Kink in My Hair

Da Kink in My Hair 2007


Follows the lives of a group of women who let their hair down in more ways than one at Letty's, a vibrant and bustling hair salon in Toronto's Caribbean community. Novelette, Letty's smart and capable owner, has the answers to her clients' dilemmas but can't always figure out how to tame the tangles in her own life surrounded as she is by her outspoken eccentric sister Joy, her fourteen-year-old born-and-raised in Jamaica son Dre and her family of stylists including the wide-eyed new girl Starr and the wicked-tongued bad boy Nigel.



Barbershop 2005


Calvin Palmer is the owner of a barbershop on the Southside of Chicago. Reluctantly inheriting the neighborhood establishment and popular hangout from his father, he juggles his responsibilities to his clients, his family, and his community as a cast of unique characters regularly bring their hopes, dreams and problems with them into the shop.



Clipped 2015


Clipped centers on a group of barbershop coworkers who all went to high school together but ran in very different crowds. Now they find themselves working together at Buzzy's, a barbershop in Charlestown, Massachusetts.


Tabatha Takes Over

Tabatha Takes Over 2008


The straight-talking, perfectly coifed Tabatha Coffey lends her sound advice and styling expertise to help desperate salon owners turn their struggling businesses around.


Last Kiss

Last Kiss 2015


Four years ago, Manatsu, who wants to become a photographer, and Fuyuki, who wants to become a hairdresser, were boyfriends who attended the same technical school of beauty. The two of them had promised to marry but... After some misunderstandings, they ended up having a sad separation. After 4 years, the two meet again, and the last kiss of love that Manatsu came carrying in the heart is...


Beverly Hills Fabulous

Beverly Hills Fabulous 2011


Welcome to the outrageous world of the Elgin Charles Salon, where the raucous gossip of the black beauty shop meets the glitz of Beverly Hills. Located just off of Rodeo Dr., Elgin's salon has been a magnet for a who's who of celeb clientele.


Tenir salon

Tenir salon 2020


Hair salons are privileged places for meetings and discussions visited by all types of clientele, regardless of age, sex and ethnic origin. Sophie Fouron will make you discover fascinating individuals, their history, their city, their community.



Snip 1976


Snip was a 1976 comedy starring David Brenner about a hairdresser living in Cape Cod, Massachusetts who has his ex-wife, daughter and former aunt living with him in his apartment. He and his ex-wife are both in the same hairdressing business under their boss and friend who's an openly gay man. It was a take-off of the movie Shampoo and was created by James Komack, the creator of Chico and the Man and Welcome Back Kotter. The series was to premiere September 30, 1976 on NBC, but was cancelled at the last minute and never made it to air in the U.S. The cancellation was so abrupt even TV Guide was caught off guard, and listed the show in its "Fall Preview" issue for that year. Five episodes had already been produced and were aired in Australia.


Blowing LA

Blowing LA 2022


Follow the professional and personal lives of Ted Gibson and Kim Vo, two of LA's best-known celebrity hairdressers. Their businesses thrive on styling the stars, where they can charge up to $2,500 per cut.


Great British Hairdresser

Great British Hairdresser 2011


James Brown, Jo Elvin and Abbey Clancy host a competition to find Britain's best hairdresser.



UpRooted 2007


“Uprooted” is a docu-soap series that sees a celebrity hairdresser travel and barter his way across the country in search of creative and personal inspiration.