Stăpânul inelelor: Cele două turnuri

Stăpânul inelelor: Cele două turnuri 2002


Frodo și Sam călătoresc către Mordor pentru a distruge inelul puterii în timp ce Gimli, Legolas și Aragorn îi caută pe Merry și Pippin, capturați de orci. În tot timpul acesta, Vrăjitorul rău Saruman îi așteaptă pe membrii frăției la turnul Orthanc în Isengard.


Cavalerii Zodiacului

Cavalerii Zodiacului 2023


Când un orfan de stradă, Seiya, în căutarea surorii sale răpite, folosește fără să vrea puteri ascunse, el descoperă că ar putea fi singura persoană în viață care poate proteja o zeiță reîncarnată, trimisă să vegheze asupra umanității. Poate el să-și lase trecutul să plece și să-și îmbrățișeze destinul de a deveni Cavaler al Zodiacului?



Infinit 2021


Evan e bântuit de abilități pe care nu le-a învățat niciodată și amintiri din locuri pe care nu le-a vizitat vreodată. Apropiindu-se de o cădere nervoasă, membrii unui grup secret vin să-l salveze, dezvăluind că amintirile lui sunt reale.


Câinele, adevăratul meu prieten

Câinele, adevăratul meu prieten 2017


Un câine explorează sensul vieților lui anterioare prin intermediul stăpânilor lui, descoperind loialitatea și dragostea, dar și durerea și dezamăgirea.


Câinele, adevăratul meu prieten 2

Câinele, adevăratul meu prieten 2 2019


Legătura extraordinară a unui câine cu stăpânul său devine și mai strânsă când se împrietenește cu nepoata bărbatului, reincarnându-se pentru a o proteja și susține.


Vânătorii de fantome II

Vânătorii de fantome II 1989


La cinci ani după ce au învins-o pe Gozer, Vânătorii de fantome sunt în faliment. Când Dana începe să aibă din nou probleme cu fantomele, băieții ies din izolare ca să o ajute şi cu puţin noroc să salveze oraşul New York de la o nouă amenințare paranormală.


Fuga la Paris

Fuga la Paris 2021


„Planul meu era să mor înainte să rămân fără bani”, spune Frances Price, o femeie în vârstă de 60 de ani, o prezență importantă pe scena mondenă din Manhattan, care nu are niciun ban. Lucrurile nu au mers însă așa cum spera. Soțul ei, Franklin, e mort de 12 ani și cum moștenirea lui imensă a fost cheltuită, Frances își vinde toate bunurile și se hotărăște să-și trăiască ultima perioadă a vieții într-un apartament închiriat din Paris, împreună cu Malcolm, fiul ei lipsit de direcție, și o pisică pe nume Small Frank, care s-ar putea să fie posedată de spiritul soțului mort al lui Frances.


Povestea incredibilă a lui Enzo

Povestea incredibilă a lui Enzo 2019


Bazat pe cel mai bine vândut roman al lui Garth Stein, Povestea incredibilă a lui Enzo este o relatare emoționantă, văzută prin ochii lui Enzo, un cățel inteligent și spiritual (dublat de Kevin Costner). Prin legătura cu stăpânul său (Milo Ventimiglia), un dornic șofer de curse de Formula 1, Enzo dezvoltă o viziune extraordinară asupra condiției umane și înțelege că tehnicile necesare pe pista de curse pot fi, de asemenea, folosite pentru a naviga cu succes în călătoria prin viaţă.


Stăpânii apei

Stăpânii apei 1995


În anul 2033, întreaga scoarță terestră este un imens deșert, unde nu a mai plouat de 11 ani. În aceste condiții trăiesc Rebecca și prietenii ei, toată rezerva de apă fiind controlată de Water and Power. Dar aceasta nu este cel mai rău lucru care se poate întâmplă, după cum va afla Rebecca, atunci când angajații de la Water and Power îi omoară prietenul, iar pe ea o forțează să lucreze la conductele lor. Cel mai rău lucru este că șeful acestora, egocentric și crud, este hotărât să îi frângă spiritul combinativ, folosindu-se de ea pentru a-i atrage și pe alții în cursă...



Anomalie 2019


Sarah este o mamă al cărei fiu, Miles, dă semne îngrijorătoare că ar fi sub influența unei forțe malefice, supranaturale. Temându-se pentru siguranța familiei sale, Sarah trebuie să-și înăbușe instinctul matern, care-i cere să-și protejeze fiul, în favoarea unui instinct de detectiv, ce ar putea să îi dezvăluie ce sau cine cauzează răul căruia Miles nu-i poate face față. Sarah e obligată să caute răspunsurile în propriul ei trecut, trecând printr-o serie de aventuri terifiante, în care granița dintre realitate și percepție devine cu totul și cu totul difuză.


I Origins

I Origins 2014


Doctorand în domeniul biologiei moleculare, Ian Gray (Michael Pitt) rămâne fascinat de femeia misterioasă, Sofi (Astrid Bergès-Frisbey), ai cărei ochi îi fotografează în timpul unei petreceri. Deși aceasta dispare fără ca Ian să-i afle identitatea, tânărul om de știință, printr-o serie de coincidențe și întâmplări neobișnuite, ajunge să o regăsească. Cercetarea sa academică- discreditarea teoriei creaționiste prin noi dovezi ale evoluției ochiului uman, îl conduce la o descoperire importantă, însă providența îl aruncă într-un joc al căutării la capătul căruia răspunsul s-ar putea să nu fie cel așteptat.



Viceversa 1991


Un misogin pe nume Steve Brooks, lipsit, pleonastic vorbind, de orice considerație pentru sexul slab, este ucis de prietena sa. Pentru a ajunge în Rai, el are nevoie să găsească pe Pământ o femeie care să-l iubească din tot sufletul. Ideea e că Perry nu e trimis înapoi pe pământ în starea sa naturală, adică de bărbat, ci… ca femeie. Și nu orice femeie, ci una frumoasă și foarte sexi. El e Jimmy Smith și e cuceritor. Ea e Ellen Barkin și e superbă. Ce iese din aceasta combinație ......



Mumia 1932


Interpretarea legendarã a lui Boris Karloff a devenit un punct de referintã în analele istoriei cinematografice. În rolul mumiei Im-Ho-Tep, el este reînviat accidental dupã 3700 de ani de o echipã de arheologi britanici. Printr-un flashback din fosta lui viatã aflãm cã Im-Ho-Tep a fost un mare preot îmbãlsãmat de viu drept pedeapsã cã a încercat sã o reînvie pe vestala virginã pe care o iubea, dupã ce aceasta a fost sacrificatã. Din nou în viatã, el porneste în cãutarea iubirii pierdute. Astãzi, la 50 de ani de la lansare, Mumia, un film cu o atmosferã de vis, rãmâne o capodoperã nu numai a genului, ci a tuturor timpurilor.


Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-

Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- 2016


Natsuki Subaru, an ordinary high school student, is on his way home from the convenience store when he finds himself transported to another world. As he's lost and confused in a new world where he doesn't even know left from right, the only person to reach out to him was a beautiful girl with silver hair. Determined to repay her somehow for saving him from his own despair, Subaru agrees to help the girl find something she's looking for.


Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon 1992


One day, Usagi Tsukino, clumsy 2nd-year middle school student, stumbles upon a talking cat named Luna. Luna tells her that she is destined to be Sailor Moon, "champion of love and justice", and she must search for the fabled Moon Princess. Usagi finds friends that turn out to be destined senshi as well, and together they fight to save the world from the certain doom brought upon by the Dark Kingdom.


Tales of Demons and Gods

Tales of Demons and Gods 2017


In his past life, although too weak to protect his home when it counted, out of grave determination Nie Li became the strongest Demon Spiritist and stood at the pinnacle of the martial world. However, he lost his life during the battle with the Sage Emperor and six deity-ranked beasts. His soul was then brought back to when he was still 13 years old. Although he's the weakest in his class with the lowest talent, having only a red soul realm and a weak one at that, with the aid of the vast knowledge which he accumulated from his previous life, he decided to train faster than anyone could expect. He also decided to help those who died nobly in his previous life to train faster as well. He aims to protect the city from the coming future of being devastated by demon beasts and the previous fate of ending up destroyed. He aims to protect his lover, friends, family and fellow citizens who died in the beast assault or its aftermath.


The Eminence in Shadow

The Eminence in Shadow 2022


Shadowbrokers are those who go unnoticed, posing as unremarkable people, when in truth, they control everything from behind the scenes. Sid wants to be someone just like that more than anything, and something as insignificant as boring reality isn’t going to get in his way! He trains in secret every single night, preparing for his eventual rise to power—only to denied his destiny by a run-of-the-mill (yet deadly) traffic accident. But when he wakes up in a another world and suddenly finds himself at the head of an actual secret organization doing battle with evil in the shadows, he’ll finally get a chance to act out all of his delusional fantasies!


Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation 2021


A 34-year-old hikikomori is kicked out of his home by his family after the death of his parents. After his eviction, he saves a group of teenagers from being killed by a speeding truck, but loses his life in the process. When he comes to, he realizes he has been reborn as Rudeus Greyrat, in a world of swords and sorcery.


Oshi No Ko

Oshi No Ko 2023


Dr. Goro is reborn as the son of the young starlet Ai Hoshino after her delusional stalker murders him. Now, he wants to help his new mother rise to the top, but what can a child do about the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry?



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles

Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles 2021


His past life and current life are intersecting--a boy with memories of two lives faces his destiny! After his mother was killed at an early age, the orphaned Rio fought his hardest to survive in the slums. One day, he awakens to the memories of Haruto Amakwa, who died in an accident while dreaming of being reunited with his childhood friend, and Rio realizing he has reincarnated in a world of swords and sorcery.


As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World

As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World 2024


Ars Louvent is reincarnated in another world as the young son of a minor noble who owns a small domain. Ars is not particularly strong or intelligent, but he was born with the Appraisal Skill that's able to see others' abilities and statuses. He uses his skill to find the best hidden talents in the world to make their small, weak domain into the best.


The Misfit of Demon King Academy

The Misfit of Demon King Academy 2020


Anos Voldigord was a tyrannical Demon King that eradicated humans, spirits, and even the gods, but became bored of eternal warfare and reincarnated with dreams of a peaceful world. However, what awaited him in reincarnation after 2000 years were descendants who became too weak after being accustomed to peace, and all sorts of magic that deteriorated to the extreme. Anos enters Demon King Academy that gathers and educates those who are viewed as the reincarnation of the Demon King, but the academy could not see through his true powers and ends up branding him as a misfit.


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 2018


37-year-old corporate worker Mikami Satoru is stabbed by a random killer, and is reborn to an alternate world. But he turns out to be reborn a slime! Thrown into this new world with the name Rimuru Tempest, he begins his quest to create a world that’s welcoming to all races. Broken free from ordinary, stale past life, his fresh adventure in a fantasy world as a slime monster with unique abilities begins.



Aquarion 2005


Set in the future, a giant fighting machine called the Aquarion is humanity's only effective weapon in the fight against the technologically advanced species called the Shadow Angels.


Good Bye, Dragon Life

Good Bye, Dragon Life 2024


Long ago, the most ancient of divine dragons was slain by a human. The mighty dragon accepted its death when suddenly, it was reborn as Dolan, a man who lives in a quiet village. While spending another peaceful day toiling in the fields, he meets Celina, a half-human, half-snake creature looking for a partner. The unlikely duo become friends, but challenges lie ahead that threaten their new bond.


To Your Eternity

To Your Eternity 2021


In the beginning, an "orb" is cast unto Earth. "It" can do two things: change into the form of the thing that stimulates "it"; and come back to life after death. "It" morphs from orb to rock, then to wolf, and finally to boy, but roams about like a newborn who knows nothing. As a boy, "it" becomes Fushi. Through encounters with human kindness, Fushi not only gains survival skills, but grows as a "person". But his journey is darkened by the inexplicable and destructive enemy Nokker, as well as cruel partings with the people he loves.


Soul Land

Soul Land 2018


Tang San spent his life in the Tang Outer Sect, dedicated to the creation and mastery of hidden weapons. Once he stole the secret lore of the Inner Sect to reach the pinnacle of his art, his only way out was death. But after throwing himself off the deadly Hell's Peak he was reborn in a different world, the world of Douluo Dalu, a world where every person has a spirit of their own, and those with powerful spirits can practice their spirit power to rise and become Spirit Masters. The spirit that awakens within Tang San is Blue Silver Grass, a useless spirit. Can he overcome the difficulties to reach the high ranks of Spirit Masters and bring the glory of the Tang Sect into this new world?


By the Grace of the Gods

By the Grace of the Gods 2020


Only 39 years into a life full of bad luck, Ryoma Takebayashi passes away in his sleep! Taking pity on him, three divine beings show compassion by reincarnating him as a young boy to a magical, new world. Now he spends his time researching and caring for slimes in the forest. But after healing an injured traveler, Ryoma decides to set out with his new friends on a journey to use his power to help others. A whole new world awaits him, where his skills as a magic user and slime tamer continue to elicit surprise and admiration.


The Wheel of Time

The Wheel of Time 2021


Follow Moiraine, a member of the shadowy and influential all-female organization called the “Aes Sedai” as she embarks on a dangerous, world-spanning journey with five young men and women. Moiraine believes one of them might be the reincarnation of an incredibly powerful individual, whom prophecies say will either save humanity or destroy it.


I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability

I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability 2024


Prince Lloyd wasn't always a fact, his previous life is one he remembers perfectly: he was a sorcerer, of sorts. So when he was forced to reincarnate, he decided to continue his studies, prince of the realm or no! But his new life has its own sets of challenges...including being a 10-year-old! What's the 7th prince/sorcerer to do?!


Avatar the Last Airbender

Avatar the Last Airbender 2024


A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save a world at war — and fight a ruthless enemy bent on stopping him.


Second chance

Second chance 2005


El cuerpo del Deseo also known as Second Chance is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by Telemundo and Film in Florida. This limited-run series is about a man who comes back from the dead and discovers dark secrets about his beautiful widow. The first version of El cuerpo del Deseo was En Cuerpo Ajeno produced by RTI Colombia in 1992.This telenovela was aired in 25 countries around the world.