Un an bun

Un an bun 2006


Max Skinner, un bancher londonez ratat, moștenește podgoria unchiului său din Provence, unde și-a petrecut multe vacanțe în copilărie. La sosirea sa, întâlnește o femeie din California care îi spune lui Max că este verișoara lui de mult pierdută și că proprietatea este a ei.


Atât de aproape de cer

Atât de aproape de cer 1995


Întors din al doilea razboi mondial, un tanar soldat (Keanu Reeves) descopera ca mai are prea putine în comun cu tot ce a lasat în urma sa. Deziluzionat, porneste spre nord, calatorind si lucrand pe post de comis-voiajor. În drumul sau o întalneste pe fiica ( Aitana Sanchez-Gijon) proprietarului bogat al unei podgorii (Giancarlo Giannini). Aflata în drum spre casa, fata este îngrozita de cum va reactiona tatal sau tiranic cand va afla ca este însarcinata, dar necasatorita. Tanarul, galant, se ofera sa o ajute, pozand pentru o noapte în sotul ei, fara sa îsi dea seama ca acest gest le va schimba viata amandurora - pentru totdeauna.


Dragostea e vie

Dragostea e vie 2016


Molly se grăbește la petrecerea de naștere a iubitului ei Jackson, cu o veste fericită: tocmai a primit o ofertă pentru un nou loc de muncă, doar că acesta se află la 850 de kilometri distanță. Pentru Jackson acest lucru nu a contat, spunându-i că o va urmări oriunde. Fiind și Ziua Îndrăgostiților, băiatul îi dăruiește un pandantiv cu diamante, iar fata îl surprinde cu un cățeluș. Romantismul urmează să fie întrerupt cu cea mai nepotrivită veste care ar fi putut apărea în această zi: fosta prietenă a lui Jackson, Vanessa, apare cu un test ADN care demonstrează că el este adevăratul tată al bebelușului ei


Falcon Crest

Falcon Crest 1981


Falcon Crest is an American primetime television soap opera which aired on the CBS network for nine seasons, from December 4, 1981 to May 17, 1990. A total of 227 episodes were produced. The series revolves around the feuding factions of the wealthy Gioberti/Channing family in the Californian wine industry. Jane Wyman starred as Angela Channing, the tyrannical matriarch of the Falcon Crest Winery, alongside Robert Foxworth as Chase Gioberti, Angela's nephew who returns to Falcon Crest following the death of his father. The series was set in the fictitious Tuscany Valley northeast of San Francisco.


Gran reserva

Gran reserva 2010


Two families compete in the wine industry in this suspense drama.


Under the Vines

Under the Vines 2021


Rebecca Gibney and Charles Edwards star as two city slickers who inherit a failing vineyard in rural New Zealand.. the only problems are that neither of them has ever done a hard days' work- and they despise one another.


A Year in Provence

A Year in Provence 1993


Annie and Peter Mayle decide, in their own words, to take the plunge: they quit their jobs as a tax investigator and an advertising executive and move to Provence in the south of France. Their experience in their first month go from outstanding to downright puzzling. They adore the food and wine but do encounter amusing cultural barriers from the lengthy discussion every time they go to the butcher, to the plumber who promises to come back but is unseen for the the next month. They also learn that their old friends in England are lining up to visit them in the summer.


Wong Wien Hua Jai

Wong Wien Hua Jai 2021


Bow returns to Thailand after she learns that her boyfriend, Pong, has cheated on her and has impregnated Vithinee who he is now going to marry. Vithinee is the sickly, younger sister of the vineyard owning male lead, Tos. He is extremely protective of her.


Encore! Encore!

Encore! Encore! 1998


Encore! Encore! is an American sitcom starring Nathan Lane as an opera singer. On the verge of becoming "The Fourth Tenor", Lane's character injures his vocal cords and must move in with his family, who run a vineyard in Northern California. The series premiered on NBC on September 22, 1998. Encore! Encore! struggled in the ratings from the start. After its fourth episode aired on October 27, 1998, NBC put the series on hiatus for two months. Thirteen episodes were ordered but the series was cancelled at midseason with two episodes left unaired. The final network episode aired on January 20, 1999. All 13 episodes later ran on Bravo.


The Valley

The Valley 2015


Between forests and hills, the river Ahr meanders through a mystical, foggy autumn landscape. Amidst this idyll a man awakens in the middle of a vineyard. He does not know who he is, where he is or how he came to be here. Next to him is a dead young woman lying among the vines. As a foreigner in the secluded town in the Ahr valley he enters an archaic village community, which seems to keep a secret from him.