
Daneza 2015


Este anul 1910, iar pictorița Gerda Gottlieb așteaptă un model. Acesta întârzie să apară, așa că Gerda îl roagă pe soțul ei, Einar, să îmbrace desuuri de damă pentru a-i poza. Niciunul dintre ei nu știe că acest eveniment minor le va schimba viețile: Einar se va reinventa treptat sub numele de Lili Elba, iar două decenii mai târziu va deveni primul bărbat din lume care va suporta o operație de schimbare a sexului.


Miezul nopții în Paris

Miezul nopții în Paris 2011


Miezul nopții în Paris este o comedie romantică al cărei decor este Parisul, unde o familie aflată acolo pentru afaceri și doi tineri logodiți care urmează să se căsătorească în toamnă trăiesc o experiență care le va schimba viaţa pentru totdeauna. E despre un tânăr îndrăgostit de Paris și despre iluzia generală că, dacă ne schimbăm viața, schimbarea va fi cu siguranță în bine.


Portretul unei femei în flăcări

Portretul unei femei în flăcări 2019


O misiune neobișnuită a dus-o pe pictorița pariziană Marianne pe o insulă singuratică din largul coastei Bretaniei în 1770: trebuia să picteze în secret un tablou cu Héloïse, care tocmai părăsise o școală de mănăstire pentru tinere aristocrate și era pe cale să se căsătorească. Pentru că Héloïse refuză să stea ca model pentru a protesta împotriva căsătoriei aranjate de mama ei, Marianne o observă pe Héloïse în timpul plimbărilor pe coastă și seara îi pictează portretul din memorie. O atracție irezistibilă crește încet între privirile bântuitoare...



Frida 2002


Filmul spune povestea relației dintre Frida Kahlo și Diego Rivera în timp ce revoluționează lumea artistică. De la relația ei complexă și trainică alături de mentorul și soțul ei până la aventura controversată cu Leon Trotsky, la relațiile provocatoare și romantice avute cu diferite femei, Frida Kahlo a trăit o viață curajoasă, fără compromisuri și a creat o revoluție în politică, sexualitate și artă. Nominalizat în 2002 pentru 6 premii ale Academiei Americane de Film, inclusiv pentru cea mai bună actriță pentru Salma Hayek, filmul este o mărturie incredibilă despre o femeie excepțională care a dus o viață de neuitat.


Cu drag, Van Gogh

Cu drag, Van Gogh 2017


Loving Vincent prezintă viaţa şi moartea controversată a lui Vincent van Gogh printr-o animaţie desprinsă din picturile lui şi populată cu personajele desenate de el. Intriga prinde viaţă prin interviuri cu personaje apropiate de Vincent şi prin reconstruirea dramatică a unor evenimente care au dus la moartea pictorului.


Febra lalelelor

Febra lalelelor 2017


O poveste de dragoste ilicită, între o tânără patriciană olandeză și pictorul angajat de soțul ei pentru a-i face portretul, ia o întorsătură catastrofală atunci când cei doi amanți decid să se arunce în vârtejul nebuniei din jurul lor.


Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Vicky Cristina Barcelona 2008


Două prietene aflate într-o vacanță de vară în Spania se îndrăgostesc de același pictor, neștiind că fosta lui soție, cu care are o relație furtunoasă, este pe cale să reintre în cadru.


Agonie și extaz

Agonie și extaz 1965


În timpul Renașterii italiene, Papa Iulius al II-lea îl contactează pe influentul artist Michelangelo să sculpteze 40 de statui pentru mormântul său. Când papa se răzgândește și îi cere sculptorului să picteze o pictură murală în Capela Sixtină, Michelangelo se îndoiește de abilitățile sale de pictură și abandonează proiectul. Inspirația divină îl întoarce pe Michelangelo pe pictura murală, dar viziunea sa artistică se ciocnește de personalitatea exigentă a papei și amenință succesul picturii istorice.


Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge 1952


Plasat în Parisul anilor 1890, la Moulin Rouge, filmul aduce în prim-plan patima alcoolului, infirmitatea și viața amoroasă a pictorului Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.



50/50 2011


Inspirat de o poveste adevărată, o comedie centrată în jurul unui tip de 27 de ani care află că are cancer și lupta sa ulterioară pentru a învinge boala.


Ultima cina

Ultima cina 1995


Saptamanal, cinci studenti invita cate un oaspete la cina, in timpul careia acesta este rugat sa isi spuna parerea despre un subiect dat. De fiecare data, dupa o atenta evaluare a invitatului, cei cinci tineri decid daca seara se va incheia rau sau nu pentru invitatul lor. Filmul este bogat in umor negru, un portret al liberalismului american.


La revedere acolo sus

La revedere acolo sus 2017


Noiembrie, 1919. Doi supraviețuitori ai tranșeelor primului război mondial. Unul, caricaturist de geniu, celălalt, un modest contabil, pun la cale o escrocherie monumentală pe seama războiului, planul lor va fi pe cât de periculos, pe atât de spectaculos.


The Joy of Painting

The Joy of Painting 1983


The Joy of Painting was an American television show hosted by painter Bob Ross that taught its viewers techniques for landscape oil painting. Although Ross could complete a painting in half an hour, the intent of the show was not to teach viewers "speed painting". Rather, he intended for viewers to learn certain techniques within the time that the show was allotted. The show began on January 11, 1983, and lasted until May 17, 1994, a year before Ross' death.


Lovers of the Red Sky

Lovers of the Red Sky 2021


Set during the Joseon era, Hong Cheon Ki is a female painter with a genius like painting talent. She is picked as the first female painter of the Dohwaseo. Hong Cheon Ki also has a beautiful appearance and a bright personality. For her, painting is everything. One day, she meets Ha Ram.


Back for You

Back for You 2025


In the early Republic of China, police officer A Lai is saved by a mysterious woman, Lu Na, who falls into a coma. Using her comic books, he solves cases and uncovers clues about her past, all while facing rising dangers linked to his newfound success.


Reflection of You

Reflection of You 2021


A thriving painter's enviable life begins to fray at the edges when a bright young woman she once befriended resurfaces as a shell of her former self.


Mistral's Daughter

Mistral's Daughter 1984


Beautiful and naïve Maggy Lunel arrives in Paris completely broke. She becomes an artist's model and the toast of Paris, attracting the attention of Picasso-like painter Julien Mistral, an arrogant and selfish man who places his work above everything. Their paths diverge as Mistral's art catches the eye of a rich American woman who becomes his patroness and eventually his wife. During the war years in France, Mistral collaborates with the Nazis in order to continue with his work, a decision that will come back to haunt him years later. In the meantime, Maggy has a daughter named Teddy who grows up and falls in love with Mistral with whom she has a child named Fauve. As Mistral ages, he comes to terms with his selfish past and wartime betrayal through his art, leaving a beautiful legacy for his daughter, Fauve.


Painter of the Wind

Painter of the Wind 2008


Painter of the Wind is a 2008 South Korean historical television series starring Moon Geun-young and Park Shin-yang. Based on the bestselling historical fiction novel by Lee Jung-myung that took artistic license with the premise that perhaps the Joseon painter Shin Yun-bok had really been a woman, it centers on Yun-bok, a talented young painter who disguises herself as a boy to search for her father's murderer. She meets Kim Hong-do, a master painter who guides her into becoming a great artist, and they develop a strong friendship of mentor and disciple. The drama has won numerous awards, including the Asian TV Series Special Award at the 2010 Shanghai Television Festival and the silver award at the 2010 Houston International Film Festival, while actress Moon Geun-young received the grand prize at the 2008 SBS Drama Awards, as well as Best TV Actress at the 2009 Baeksang Arts Awards and 2008 Grimae Awards for her role.


Professional Single

Professional Single 2020


Single since birth, Yuan Qian and Qin Shen are two people who will probably end up being single for life because they want to. Set against the backdrop of an art school, the story follows students who overcome many difficulties to pursue their artistic ideals. Qin Shen is a student who dreams of becoming a sculptor. A freshman in their department, he is like a god-level existence in their school - cold, disciplined and a perfectionist. However, girls mean nothing to him and he finds dating to be a complete waste of time. Yuan Qian has the appearance of the cute girl next door but has a headstrong personality. She is eloquent and determined such that no one can stop her once she sets her mind to something. However, she has a tendency to pick at other people's shortcomings so much that no guy can impress her.



CHIP-IN 2020


A painter gets diagnosed terminally ill. On his 58th birthday, he plans to share his last will and testimony. His great legacy and immense fortune slowly draw out his family's inner greed, causing a fierce mental battle amongst them. They are too many people around him who are only after his legacy, including his ex-wife Ji Sul Young, who has taken care of him, Kim Ji Hye, a former mistress and mother to his daughter, and Dokko Chul, a son from a different father. They face different outcomes by the different choices they make as their greed overwhelms them. What are the limits of human greed?


Closed Rooms

Closed Rooms 2015


Violeta returns to Spain to supervise the works that have to turn the family mansion into a museum. The appearance of a mummified body in a room reveals a secret from the past.


The Impressionists

The Impressionists 2006


The Impressionists is a three-part factual docudrama from the BBC, which reconstructs the origins of the Impressionist art movement.


Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch 1974


Edvard Munch is a 1974 biographical film about the Norwegian Expressionist painter Edvard Munch, written and directed by Peter Watkins. It was originally created as a three-part miniseries co-produced by the Norwegian and Swedish state television networks NRK and SVT, but subsequently gained an American theatrical release in a three-hour version in 1976. The film covers about thirty years of Munch's life, focusing on the influences that shaped his art, particularly the prevalence of disease and death in his family and his youthful affair with a married woman. The film was screened at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival, but wasn't entered into the main competition.


Same Place, New Pace

Same Place, New Pace 2024


Pugan is an artist who likes to be quiet and private, and Amy is a bright girl whose life revolves around social media. Despite their vastly different personalities, fate brings them together at a house filled with memories from Amy's childhood, prompting her to reflect on her past. Amy returns to her childhood home in search of her mother's lucky things that she hopes will bring happiness back to her life. She submits an offer to rent the house for a month, with the condition that if she can't find the items, she will move out.


Fox in the Screen

Fox in the Screen 2016


Painter Zheng Xue Jing accidentally acquires a magical pen and frees three foxes from a screen. She becomes involved into their world because from that moment on, she's their "master".



Palettes 1995


An educational French TV documentary series which goes into depth during each episode into the analysis of a single painting.


Love in Sadness

Love in Sadness 2019


The essence of love is fading and is evermore harder to do. In this day and age, will there be love that is woeful and forlorn just for the sake of love itself? Love in Sadness is a love story that encapsulates the mythical-like fate of love that is so coveted that it ignores all bounds. In it, love outweighs what the world thinks, ignores the pain and anguish with it, and pursues its destiny. In the drama, Ma Ri is a beautiful girl, married into wealth with a seemingly perfect life. Ironically, her husband, In Wook, who looks like a more than ideal husband, is an obsessive lunatic who is also violently abusive. When he pushes her too far, she reaches out for help from Jung Won, an honest, smart, handsome plastic surgeon. And when he agrees to help her escape from her husband's hands, they fall in love. But In Wook, who is consumed by his obsession for her, isn't going to let her get away from his grasp. Watch as these two characters struggle to stay on their arduous road to love.


Great Art Explained

Great Art Explained 2020


Great Art Explained is a video series that focuses on one piece of art per episode, breaking it down, using clear and concise language free of 'art-speak'.


Penny Crayon

Penny Crayon 1989


Artful Penny could indeed draw anything she wanted with her magic crayon and it would spring into life. A fantastically useful toy to have. Only her best friend friend Dennis knew her secret so the two had acres of fun winding up adults, nosey-parkers, bullies, bad guys, teachers and ne'er-do-wells with her creations, or solving problems for folk, or sketching their way out of tricky situations. Penny would scribble away, her arm becoming a blurr as she worked and then - hey presto! - her line drawing would leap off the drawing surface as a fully-formed 3D object.


Giants of Art

Giants of Art 2021


Michelangelo, Rembrandt van Rijn, Vincent van Gogh - the documentary series "Giants of Art" dedicates a film to each of these three artists. Three exceptional geniuses who went their own way and left behind iconographic works of art; which still inspire the art world today.


Bojan the Bear

Bojan the Bear 1978


Bojan the Bear is a painter who paints his own world with three colours. A friend of his enters the world, using two other colours - white and black - to paint glaciers.