
Radio 2003


Antrenorul de fotbal american (rugbi) al liceului, Harold Jones se împrietenește cu Radio, un bărbat cu probleme mintale care devine elev la liceul T.L. Hanna din Anderson, Carolina de Sud. Prietenia lor se întinde pe mai multe decenii, unde Radio se transformă dintr-un bărbat timid și chinuit într-o sursă de inspirație pentru comunitatea sa.



Piscina 2003


Scriitoarea Sarah se relaxează la casa editorului ei. Acolo sosește fiica necugetată a acestuia, în a cărei lume Sarah va fi azvârlită de-a dreptul.


Prietenul prietenei mele

Prietenul prietenei mele 2010


Jesse Young (Alyssa Milano) este o tânără atrăgătoare care îl întâlnește într-o zi pe Ethan, un scriitor simpatic. Relația lor decurge bine și frumos până în momentul în care Jesse îl întâlnește pe Troy, care devine curând al doilea pretendent la inima tinerei. Și de aici, Jesse n-are decât să se descurce și să aleagă ce este mai bine pentru ea, bineînțeles, ne rănind sentimentele niciunuia dintre cei doi. Cu cine va rămâne ea la final? Povestea unei fete ce întâlnește dragostea adevărată. De două ori.


Bella şi grădina fantastică

Bella şi grădina fantastică 2016


O tânără care visează să devină autoare de cărți pentru copii ajunge într-o prietenie puțin probabilă cu un văduv bătrân și bogat.



Re-Kan! 2015


Amami Hibiki is a girl who can see ghosts and other supernatural phenomena in her surroundings. The stories follow her daily life with both her friends and the otherworldly.


Unstoppable Youth

Unstoppable Youth 2019


In the City University League, the Mingyang Women’s Queue to fight against the old Star Stars team failed again and fell into a crisis of dissolution. By chance, the volleyball talent Yi Anle joined the Ming Yang team, but her height and disadvantages and physical limitations made her teammates question her. Yi Anle used his kindness, courage and perseverance to resolve the contradiction between teammates, and established friendship with Fu Jiaqian Qiu Yuanya, migrant girl Sheng Yu, and Pei Baiyan Xu Haiyan who sneaked into volleyball. This team, which is not optimistic, has advanced into the provincial league in a route to the city league.



青春无季 2021


The story takes place in Yunjiang City. Song Jianming, a single dad who had worked in the criminal police team for many years, is transferred to the Security Brigade as the captain of the newly established training team. The group of female police trainees give Song Jiangming a headache.


How to Be Behzinga

How to Be Behzinga 2020


Once a poster boy for poor health, Ethan Payne (aka Behzinga) has turned his life around. His biggest challenge yet, the London Marathon, has been cancelled- so what will he do next?


Shanes verden

Shanes verden 2007


It's pure magic when Shane, together with children and his best friend the dog Jacob, builds the most incredible things from ordinary everyday junk. Inspire you and your family to collect kitchen rolls, milk cartons, gizmos and things that can be turned into blue dragons, foam-spraying pirate ships, dollhouses and other whimsical homemade toys ...


Because Love is Sunny

Because Love is Sunny 2013


Lin Duomei, a fortunate and optimistic woman, seems to have it all—a successful marriage and a perfect life. However, when her brother marries Wen Xin, a woman with a troubled past, hidden tensions begin to surface, leading to unexpected challenges for their seemingly perfect family.


Dream Garden

Dream Garden 2023


We follow Swedes all over the country who make their wildest garden dreams come true.



Unbreakable 2020


Join a cast of nine remakable Kiwis with disabilities as they shoot for the moon. Their ambitions are huge but so are the obstacles. Made with the support of NZ on Air.