Minunata povestire a lui Henry Sugar 2023
Wes Anderson semnează această adaptare premiată la Oscar a povestirii lui Roald Dahl despre un bogătaș care deprinde o abilitate extraordinară pentru a trișa la cărți.
Wes Anderson semnează această adaptare premiată la Oscar a povestirii lui Roald Dahl despre un bogătaș care deprinde o abilitate extraordinară pentru a trișa la cărți.
Un jalnic batjocoritor, care inventează scuze pentru natura sa nepăsătoare, învață să aibă o adevărată compasiune când trei fantome îl vizitează în Ajunul Crăciunului.
Condamnatul la moarte, Matthew Poncelet, așteaptă executarea de șase ani. Într-o scrisoare îi cere ajutor călugăriței destul de neconvenționale, sora Helen Prejean, care încă nu a avut de-a face cu un criminal. Ea răspunde la scrisoarea lui și în cele din urmă îl vizitează în Penitenciarul de Stat din New Orleans. Acolo, ea se confruntă cu lumea birocratică a sistemului penitenciar și decide să ajute prizonierul în ciuda comportamentului său disprețuitor și a cinismului său. În încercarea ei de a evita moartea sigură a lui Poncelet, ea trebuie să învețe cât de puțin valorează viața umană pentru politică, autorități și mass-media și se confruntă în cele din urmă cu părinții victimelor, care cer pedeapsă pentru uciderea copiilor lor. Asistenta Prejean se trezește în curând prinsă între fronturi și afectată de îndoiala de sine. Este corect să fii de partea unui criminal?
After divorcing her husband of 20 years, Molly Novak must figure out what to do with her $87 billion settlement. She decides to reengage with her charitable foundation and reconnect with the real world—finding herself along the way.
Celebrity acts sing and dance to iconic pop tracks, all in aid of Comic Relief.
Hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, celebrities play to win a million dollars for a charity of their choosing. Contestants have 15 questions to win a million dollars in this classic game show.
Acting for a Cause is a live read series of classic plays and screenplays created, produced, directed and hosted by Brando Crawford featuring young Hollywood actors such as Academy Award Nominee Florence Pugh, Emmy Nominee Margaret Qualley, and 80 other young Hollywood stars. Each reading is organized to raise money for a specific charity. The readings garnered over 500,000 viewers between the first play read on March 27, 2020 and the last announced read on July 31, 2020. The reading series was a direct response to the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic and launched Brando Crawford's career as a director and producer.
Celebrities perform famous dance routines in front of a panel of judges to raise money for the Comic Relief appeal, with viewers voting for their favourites.
Windy City LIVE is a local Chicago daytime talk show on ABC7 Chicago (WLS-TV) with Co-Hosts Val Warner and Ryan Chiaverini. Val and Ryan are joined every weekday at 1pm by a panel of contributors including social media producer Ji Suk Yi, showcasing the heartbeat and soul of Chicago including local hot topics, music talent, celebrities, spotlighting local heroes and charities, and upcoming events.
Well-known faces don their aprons in this charity special. Who has got what it takes to go all the way and compete for the Great Sport Relief Bake Off crown?
Professional darts players and comedians team up for a knockout tournament.
Blue Peter presenter Helen Skelton makes an epic 500-mile journey to the South Pole by kite, by ski and - in a world first - by bike, to raise awareness for Sport Relief.
Nine celebrities trade their worlds of luxury to live in the dangerous jungles of Panama, where they face off in epic adventures and endure the most brutal conditions, as they push themselves to go far beyond their comfort zone. From the producers of “Naked and Afraid” comes the most intense celebrity adventure ever attempted, where only teamwork, perseverance and finding the inner strength they never knew they possessed can get them through another day and raise money for their chosen charities.
Series which follows comedian Eddie Izzard rising to the challenge for Sport Relief by running an astonishing 43 marathons in 51 days
Choirmaster Gareth Malone brings together an array of untrained voices from the world of television, sport and theatre to release the official 2014 BBC Children in Need single.
The D'Amelio sisters will go head-to-head in epic challenges that test their bravery, athleticism, and ingenuity while their squad of famous friends judge from the sidelines.
Pete meets the four-legged friends that call the UK's leading dog welfare charity, Dogs Trust, home. From when they are rescued, Pete plays an instrumental role in their rehabilitation process, right up until the point the dogs are safely rehomed.