
Examenul 2009


Opt candidați talentați au ajuns la etapa finală de selecție pentru a se alătura unei corporații misterioase și puternice. Intrând într-o cameră fără ferestre, un supraveghetor le dă optzeci de minute pentru a răspunde la o întrebare simplă. El le prezintă trei reguli pe care trebuie să le respecte sau vor fi descalificați: să nu vorbească cu el sau cu paznicii înarmați de la ușă, să nu-și schimbe lucrările și să nu părăsească încăperea. El pornește ceasul și pleacă. Candidații deschid plicurile, doar pentru a găsi că acestea sunt complet goale. După ce confuzia inițială se diminuează, un singur candidat frustrat scrie "Eu cred că ar trebui să mă angajez, deoarece...," și este eliminat cu promptitudine. Restul candidaților în curând își dau seama că li se permite să vorbească între ei și sunt de acord să coopereze în scopul de a afla care-i întrebarea: astfel ei putând concura pentru a răspunde la întrebarea respectivă.


Méchant changement

Méchant changement 2005


A room makeover program for young people hosted by Stéphane Bellavance.



X&Y 2023


Yan Yuechu returned to his hometown to work and made new friends at his workplace. One day, he went to XY Escape Room and found himself deeply attracted to the proprietor, Xu Aiyou. However, that was when he started to experience strange escape room illusions. As Yan Yuechu got to know Xu Aiyou, more and more incidents started to happen around him and even his friends. In the process of solving the escape rooms and finding the mastermind behind all these events, he gradually found himself uncovering the truth behind his lost memories...


Knock First

Knock First 2003


Knock First is an American reality television series in which an adolescent is chosen for a total room makeover by the Knock First crew. The first series aired starting in the fall of 2003 on ABC Family. The premise of the show was to shape the room in which the teenager lives into a space that represents them better. Teenagers who had been living in the same room since they were toddlers are able to redesign the room according to their desires. The series included four designers: Taniya Nayak, John Gidding, Kathy Kuo, Shane Booth, and two carpenters: Carrie Roy, Andy Hampton. The first season of Knock First centered mainly around teenagers in and around the Northeast, whereas the second season expanded to homes in California, to a slightly older audience. The show theme for the first two seasons was titled " I Am", and was written and produced by Widelife, also creators of the theme for Bravo's Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, and performed by Faith Trent. The show was redesigned for its third season and now places more responsibility for the completion of the project on the recipient.