Creed II

Creed II 2018


Viața a devenit un număr de echilibristică pentru Adonis Creed. Între obligațiile de natură personală și pregătirile pentru următorul meci, Adonis ajunge în fața celei mai mari provocări din viața sa. Are de înfruntat un oponent ce are legături cu trecutul familiei sale și asta nu face altceva decât să intensifice apropiata bătălie din ring. Rocky Balboa e mereu în colțul lui Adonis, sprijinindu-l. Împreună, cei doi vor înfrunta moștenirea lor comună, vor pune la îndoială cauzele și motivele pentru care merită să lupți și vor descoperi că, în cele din urmă, nimic nu e mai important decât familia. Creed 2 e despre întoarcerea la origini, pentru a redescoperi din ce aluat e făcut un adevărat campion și pentru a nu uita că, orice ai face, nu poți scăpa de propriul tău trecut.


Снайпер. Білий ворон

Снайпер. Білий ворон 2022


Mykola este un pacifist excentric care vrea să fie util umanității. Când începe războiul în Donbass, lumea naivă a lui Mykola se prăbușește, în timp ce militanții îi ucid soția însărcinată și îi incendiază casa. Recuperat, el ia o decizie cardinală și este înrolat într-o companie de lunetişti. După ce i-a întâlnit pe ucigașii soției sale, el se prăbuşeşte emoțional și organizează „teroarea lunetistului” pentru inamic. El este salvat de la o moarte fără sens de către instructorul său, care este el însuși rănit de moarte. Moartea unui prieten lasă o „cicatrice” și Mykola este gata să-și sacrifice viața.


20 de zile în Mariupol

20 de zile în Mariupol 2023


Pe măsură ce începe invazia rusă, o echipă de jurnalişti ucraineni prinşi în oraşul asediat Mariupol se luptă să-şi continue munca de documentare a atrocităţilor războiului.


Domnul Jones

Domnul Jones 2019


În 1933, jurnalistul galez Gareth Jones călătorește în Ucraina, unde trăiește ororile unei foamete. Oriunde merge, întâlnește acoliți ai serviciilor secrete sovietice care sunt hotărâți să împiedice să iasă știrile despre catastrofă. Colectivizarea forțată a agriculturii de către Stalin a dus la mizerie și ruină – politica echivalează cu o crimă în masă.


Gândurile mele tac

Gândurile mele tac 2020


Vadym are 25 de ani și își câștigă traiul înregistrând tot felul de sunete și vânzând înregistrările. Cu toate acestea, și-ar schimba oricând viața din Kiev cu un viitor mai bun în Canada. Astfel, atunci când i se face o ofertă generoasă care l-ar putea ajuta să-și îndeplinească visul, el profită de șansă și pleacă să înregistreze sunetele animalelor din Ucraina plus sunetul unei păsări rare din Carpați. Situația este mai complicată decât credea când se dovedește că tovarășa lui de drum este mama lui.



Olga 2021



Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War

Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War 2024


With firsthand accounts and access to prominent figures around the world, this comprehensive docuseries explores the Cold War and its aftermath.



Godmother 2021


In a fictional town called Makkosszállás, Róza mama, head of the mafia chain announces on her 69th birthday, that whoever wins the next major election will be the new head of the chain.


There Will Be People

There Will Be People 2020


The series is built in the form of saga and depicts the turbulent periods of the beginning of the 20th century through the eyes of ordinary people: the First World War, the revolution, the emergence of Soviet regime. Each of the characters faced the changes in their own way through their concept of truth. However, all of them shared fundamental desire to live, love and find their own place in the new era.


Early Swallows

Early Swallows 2019


The series revolves around the lives of Ukrainian teenagers in a secondary school class. The teenagers struggle with bullying, including the Blue Whale Challenge, lack of parental support, suicidal behavior, LGBT identity crises-a subject that is rarely portrayed on Ukrainian television-alcoholic parents, and speech disabilities. In one of the show's main plot lines, the main characters are stalked on the Internet by an anonymous person who pretends to be their friend.


The Silence

The Silence 2021


Dramatic events unfold in Croatia and Ukraine. The first girl drowned, the second one died from a drug overdose. The main suspect in these deaths, however, soon turns out to be innocent - and dead too. While detective Vladimir and reporter Stribor struggle to solve these murders in Croatia, the niece of Olga, an Ukrainian philanthropist, goes missing in Kyiv.


Cossacks: A Totally Fake Tale

Cossacks: A Totally Fake Tale 2020


Ivan, a young Ukrainian peasant, robs the Moscow Tsar of precious jewels. He also accidentally steals a magical heirloom, now in the hands of the Sich leader, Koshovy, in his Ukrainian Cossack Fortress.


The Pleasure Principle

The Pleasure Principle 2019


Mysterious murders has been committed in four post-communist cities: Warsaw, Prague, Odesa, and Leipzig. The investigations are carried out by three absolutely different in many aspects criminal police officers. Independently of one another, they soon come to the conclusion that all four murders are connected. Now, to solve the crimes they have to work together.


The First Days

The First Days 2023


A unique drama anthology series for our time, inspired by true events which happened in Kyiv in the first few weeks after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. As the brutal war got underway, every second person left Kyiv. Yet every second person remained. These are their stories – variously moving, funny, sad, stark, unsettling, and uplifting.



Flash 2020


A series about the evolution of various spheres of Ukrainian culture and its modern heroes. This is the result of 100+ interviews and stories about how whole layers of culture were created in Ukraine. It is an attempt to capture the outbreak that is happening today and that we are waiting for tomorrow, to understand the strengths and weaknesses, identify trends and find answers to questions that concern. Each episode reveals an important topic: from the phenomenon of Ukrainian pop music and clipmaking to movies, comedy, street art and local clothing brands.


Secrets of Great Ukrainians

Secrets of Great Ukrainians 2021


Modern historical and documentary series of investigations and research dedicated to famous figures of national history. The creators of the project involved about 150 experts from Ukraine and the world, traveled to 9 countries and found interesting facts that now allow us to rediscover history. In the 8-episode project you will learn more about the lives of Simon Petliura, Andrei Sheptytsky, Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Danylo Halytsky, Roksolana, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Ivan Mazepa and Anna Kyivska.


Blonde And More Blonder

Blonde And More Blonder 2017


It all begins with Nauris’s painful disappointment – I am not in India, I am in Ukraine. But... That’s OK. He is ready for adventure and to ready battle Rihards. For the first time, the boys receive the show’s paraphernalia – the black box and the promising golden envelope. But there's not much in them – just a harmonica and 200 hryvnia or just about 7 Euro. They have to either survive the entire day on this money or they must make some more. Nauris will manage to feed half of the district with Kiev cake, cross the Paton bridge, and step inside a soap bubble in a museum. Rihards will get to know the Klitschko brothers, run around a giant football stadium, and eat three Kiev hot dogs. But that is not all. They will be forced to make money on the street and to make the girls of Kiev laugh with their plasticine figurines.


Insiders Project

Insiders Project 2016


Cold War bomb shelters, secret vaults and underground railway tunnels, abandoned factories and the highest rooftops become the objects of infiltration. Our team takes you along on their urban adventure to uncover the secrets of the hard to access locations. Urban exploration is a hobby that comes with inherent dangers and extreme situations may present themselves at any turn. Unstable structures, unsafe floors, chemical hazards, stray voltage - there’s a lot to overcome to make it to the bottom of that abandoned tunnel or to scale that building! Yet once you get in on the secret workings of the city and get to know the obscure spaces that are normally neglected, it makes it all worth it. It’s time to stop being oblivious to the urban wonders around us. Open a door, cross a fence, or sneak into a hole with our team and you have left the normal world, you are exploring. This is your city, but not as you know it!