Ticăloși fără glorie

Ticăloși fără glorie 2009


În Franța ocupată de germani Shosanna Dreyfus privește neputincioasă cum familia ei este executată de colonelul nazist Hans Landa. Shosanna scapă ca prin urechile acului și fuge la Paris, unde-și creează o nouă identitate ca proprietar și proiecționist de cinema. În altă parte a Europei, locotenentul Aldo Raine organizează un grup de soldați evrei pe care-i conduce într-o campanie de răzbunare împotriva naziștilor. Cunoscuți sub numele de „Ticăloșii”, trupa lui Raine o adoptă pe actrița și agenta sub acoperire de origine germană Bridget von Hammersmark într-o misiune al cărei scop este lichidarea liderilor celui de-al treilea imperiu. Soarta unește drumurile personajelor in cadrul unei săli de cinema, unde Shosanna este hotărâtă să-și ducă la îndeplinire propriul ei plan de răzbunare.


Indiana Jones și ultima cruciadă

Indiana Jones și ultima cruciadă 1989


Cea de-a treia parte a faimoasei saga semnate Spielberg/Lucas urmărește doi Indiana Jones. Junior și Senior. Povestea e plasată în 1938 și îi duce pe cei doi prin America, Europa și Orientul Mijlociu în căutarea Sfântului Graal, un artefact amenințat să intre pe mâinile naziștilor.


Jojo Rabbit

Jojo Rabbit 2019


Scenaristul și regizorul Taika Waititi își aduce stilul unic de umor și patosul în cel mai nou film al său, o satiră a celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial care urmărește un băiat neamț singuratic pe care îl cheamă Jojo și a cărui viziune asupra lumii este dată peste cap atunci când descoperă că mama lui ascunde în pod o tânără evreică. Ajutat doar de prietenul lui imaginar cam idiot, Adolf Hitler, Jojo trebuie să se confrunte cu naționalismul lui orb.


Ultimele zile ale lui Hitler

Ultimele zile ale lui Hitler 2004


În aprilie 1945, Germania era aproape de înfrângere cu armata rusă apropiindu-se dinspre est și aliații atacând dinspre vest. În Berlin, capitala celui de-al treilea imperiu, Adolf Hitler proclamă că Germania încă va dobândi victoria și le ordonă generalilor și consilierilor să lupte până la ultimul om. Când sfârșitul vine în final, și Hitler zace mort de mâna lui, cei care au mai rămas din militarii lui trebuie să găsească o cale să încheie omorul care este bătălia Berlinului, să pună armele jos și să se predea.



Tinerețea 2015


„La giovinezza” spune povestea a doi bătrâni prieteni - un dirijor și compozitor, pe de o parte, și un regizor, pe de altă parte -, care se gândesc la cât timp le-a mai rămas de trăit, în timp ce își petrec vacanța în Munții Alpi. Filmul urmărește eforturile celor doi de a se întoarce la cariera lor, precum și relațiile pe care le au cu copiii lor, dar și modul în care aceștia interacționează cu ceilalți oaspeți ai hotelului la care sunt cazați.


A fi sau a nu fi

A fi sau a nu fi 1942


Al Doilea Război Mondial la Varșovia în timpul ocupației germane. Profesorul Siletsky, un spion în slujba Gestapo-ului, este pe cale să predea o listă cu colaboratorii rezistenței. Joseph Tura, actor polonez care joacă rolul lui Hamlet și soțul Mariei Tura, de asemenea o cunoscută actriță, vor încerca să evite acest lucru. Cu ajutorul actorilor din compania lui, se va preface a fi crudul colonel Erhardt și Siletsky pentru a intra în cartierul general al SS.


Hitler - O carieră

Hitler - O carieră 1977


Acest documentar analizează ascensiunea și decăderea lui Adolf Hitler cu ajutorul unor filmări nemaivăzute din arhive secrete și colecții private.


Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial

Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial 2024


This gripping docuseries examines Adolf Hitler and the Nazis' rise, rule and reckoning from pre-WWII to the Holocaust to the Nuremberg trials.


Hitler: The Rise of Evil

Hitler: The Rise of Evil 2003


This biopic profiles history's most spectacular madman, tracing his journey from humble roots to complete mastery of Germany.


Hunting Hitler

Hunting Hitler 2015


An FBI cold case that has laid dormant for 70 years, leads a group of world-renown investigators on the ultimate manhunt to finally answer the question: Did Adolf Hitler survive World War II?


Rise of the Nazis

Rise of the Nazis 2019


How did 20th Century Europe's most liberal democracy fall into the hands of fascists? From Hitler's political scheming that turned Germany's parliament into a House of Cards, his War on Truth leading to book burning, and his scapegoating of minorities, this series explores in extraordinary detail the events leading up to the outbreak of World War II.


Danger 5

Danger 5 2012


Set in a bizarre, 1960's inspired version of World War II, the action comedy series follows the finest group of spies the Allies have to offer on a mission to kill Adolf Hitler.


Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler

Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler 2011


Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was a mediocre who rose to power because of the blindness and ignorance of the Germans, who believed he was nothing more than an eccentric dreamer. But when the crisis of 1929 devastated the economy, the population, fearful of chaos and communism, voted for him. And no one defended democracy. As the dictatorship extended its relentless shadow, the leader claimed peace, but was preparing the Apocalypse.


Apocalypse: The Fall of Hitler

Apocalypse: The Fall of Hitler 2023


Summer 1943: Hitler engages in a decisive battle in Kursk to win the war in the East. This is without counting on the pugnacity of the Red Army and the Allied intervention in the West. Month after month, the noose tightens on the Nazi tyrant who refuses to admit defeat and precipitates his country in its fall.


Faking Hitler

Faking Hitler 2021


Journalist Gerd Heidemann always gets his story. When he hears of a diary written by Hitler, he can’t resist the scoop of the century. Except the diary is the creation of charismatic art dealer, petty criminal and prolific forger.


Apocalypse: Hitler Takes on The East (1941-1943)

Apocalypse: Hitler Takes on The East (1941-1943) 2021


June 1941, Hitler attacks the USSR: he wants to conquer this "Living space" which he dreams of for his Reich. It comes up against enemy realities: the vastness of the territory, the polar cold and the determination of a people with inexhaustible human resources. How far will Hitler take Germany?


Secret Nazi Ruins

Secret Nazi Ruins 2019


From tunnels to towers, artillery sites, resistance nests and communication centers, Nazi Germany left their footprint throughout the world. To this day, silent remains still exist, sentinels guarding clues about plots that Hitler was unable to carry out. The collapse of the Third Reich left as many secrets as it did relics. Still today, remnants of the Nazi's schemes lie concealed in structures scattered across the globe. Skeletons of projects give way to mysteries. Conspiracies abound about science fiction scenarios. The Nazis were nothing if not methodical, and a deeper look reveals even darker plans. From tunnels to towers, artillery sites and communication centers; the remains of these schemes lie waiting to reveal truths about the Fuhrer's tactics and dreams in Secret Nazi Bases. What did Hitler have planned?



FDR 2023


The three-part miniseries chronicles the life of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the thirty-second President of the United States.


Hitler: The Rise and Fall

Hitler: The Rise and Fall 2016


Using the latest research across the course of Hitler’s life, world-renowned experts investigate the man behind the monster and pinpoint the key moments in his meteoric rise and ultimate downfall.


Hitler Youth

Hitler Youth 2018


In 1930s Germany, the Nazi Party created the Hitler Youth to indoctrinate children and adolescents with Nazi ideology and prepare them to become a child army for Hitler. The first programme traces the rise of the movement through to the war. The second programme starts at the height of WW2 and traces the story of the Hitler Youth as they face defeat.


Hitler's bodyguard

Hitler's bodyguard 2010


Adolf Hitler caused the deaths of fifty million people. An entire nation followed him to ruin. Over a tumultuous 12 years Adolf Hitler went from being a minor rabble-rousing politician, to supreme leader of Nazi Germany. He was hated by those he persecuted, and even by some of his own commanders - yet in twenty-five years no one managed to kill him. This program shows how Hitler's bodyguards helped him cheat death on many occasions. They expanded from a handful of thugs recruited to protect political meetings and fight opponents on the streets, to many thousands - including some of the most fearsome secret police and paramilitary forces the world has ever known.


Hitler's Most Wanted

Hitler's Most Wanted 2019


An original perspective on how and why a generation of men and women living in a European society became the leaders of one of the most terrifying regimes of all time, responsible for 60 million deaths. Visiting the places where elite Nazi leaders grew up and the sites of their worst atrocities, James Ellis, a dedicated young historian, explores the defining moments which transformed everyday Germans into mass murderers.





For nearly 25 years, Harald Sandner, a history enthusiast, has accurately traced the Führer's itinerary from one place to another, from his childhood to the end of his life. Where was he ? Where was he sleeping? Where did he lead the war? How was he moving? Which places have witnessed the biggest decisions? Harald Sandner left nothing to chance. We will film his unique and exclusive discoveries. A collection that enters for the first time into the details of the daily life and life of the most bloodthirsty dictator of the twentieth century with the aim of decrypting the premises of the Nazi ideology.


Great SAS Missions

Great SAS Missions 2004


Over the past 60 years Britain's Special Air Service regiment has carried out a wide variety of clandestine missions - from deep-penetration raiding to hostage release operations - which have made it respected and feared for its professionalism and daring. The SAS prides itself on doing its work in the shadows, never allowing any publicity and never claiming credit for any of its extraordinary achievements. But, over the years, sufficient information has emerged for a picture of the regiment's exploits to be clear. This series uses interviews with former members of the SAS; detailed and painstaking reconstructions; and cutting edge 3-D graphics to recreate seven great missions which show why the SAS is today regarded as the world's leading special forces unit.


Hitler: A Profile

Hitler: A Profile 1995


No other person in the twentieth century has triggered more discussions among biographers and historians than Adolf Hitler. More than 120.000 books and articles on the dictator that have appeared in the past 50 years have documented the full extent of the most horrible crimes in history that were committed by him and his followers. Developed with the assistance of internationally renowned historians, using newly discovered documents, films, sound recordings and interviews with eye-witnesses, relatives, and victims, 'Hitler - A Profile' is the first comprehensive television portrait of the German dictator. Each episode focuses on one character aspect of the man who plunged an entire nation into collective madness and unparalleled savagery.