
Zootropolis 2016


Metropola modernă a mamiferelor din Zootropolis este un oraș ca nici un altul. Cuprinzând 12 ecosisteme unice precum Districtul Pădurii Tropicale, luxosul Scuar Sahara sau glacialul Târg Tundra, reprezintă o încrucișare de rase, unde animale din fiecare mediu trăiesc laolaltă – un loc unde, indiferent ce ești, de la cel mai impunător elefant la cel mai mic șoricel, poți deveni orice. Însă când ofițerul începător Judy Hopkins ajunge în oraș, ea își dă seama că a fi primul iepuraş într-o echipă de poliție formată din animale mari și puternice nu e atât de ușor. Hotărâtă să-și dovedească valoarea, ea profită de ocazia de a rezolva un caz, chiar dacă asta înseamnă să se asocieze cu vulpoiul șarlatan și bun de gură Nick Wilde, pentru a desluși misterul.


Pașaport spre închisoare

Pașaport spre închisoare 1999


O ecranizare care are la bază un caz real. Alice este o tânără încăpățânată care vrea să facă ceva deosebit pentru a sărbători terminarea liceului, așa că o convinge pe prietena ei Darlene să o însoțească într-o călătorie la Bankok. În timp ce se bucurau amândouă de soare și peisaj, fetele îl întâlnesc pe Nick Parks, un australian șarmant. Nick le invită într-o călătorie la Hong Kong, însă ele descoperă ca acesta nu are deloc intenții bune. Nick a ascuns o mare cantitate de heroină în bagajele lor și le folosește pentru a putea trece marfa peste graniță. Când heroina este găsită de vameși, Alice și Darlene sunt judecate rapid și condamnate la 33 de ani de închisoare la Broke-Down Palace. Pățania lor atrage atenția lui Yankee Hank, un avocat american retras în Asia, care se oferă să le ajute.


Să ucizi o pasăre cântătoare

Să ucizi o pasăre cântătoare 1962


Filmul este o adaptare după cartea clasică scrisă de Harper Lee. El spune povestea unui copil într-un oraș american mic în anii 1930 unde prejudecățile legate de culoare, ura rasială, și facerea dreptății pe cont propriu sunt la ordinea zilei. Gregory Peck a primit un Oscar pentru potretizarea excelentă de tată singur numit Atticus Finch.


În Slujba Dreptății

În Slujba Dreptății 2019


O poveste puternică și provocatoare, Just Mercy urmarește experiențele tănărului avocat Bryan Stevenson și bătălia sa istorică pentru justiție. După ce a absolvit Harvardul, Bryan se îndreaptă spre Alabama pentru a-i apara pe cei condamnați injust sau cei carora nu li s-a oferit o reprezentare corespunzătoare. Cu sprijinul avocatei Eva Ansley, specializată în drepturile prizonierilor, el se ocupă de cele mai provocatoare cazuri: deținuții condamnați la moarte.



Bilal 2016


În urmă cu o mie de ani, un băiat visa să devină un mare războinic, răpit împreună cu sora lui au fost duşi într-un ținut departe de casă. Aruncat într-o lume în care lăcomia și nedreptatea stăpânesc totul, Bilal își găsește curajul să ridice vocea și să facă o schimbare. Inspirată de evenimente adevărate, aceasta este povestea unui erou adevărat care și-a câștigat amintirea în timp și istorie.



Vagabondul 1951


Pentru că tatăl o alungă de acasă pe mama sa, înainte ca el să se nască, Raj este considerat un copil sărman. La școală el se îndrăgostește de colega lui, Rita, o fată bogată. Când se vor reîntâlni după mai mulți ani, Raj va descoperi că tatăl său este protectorul Ritei. Își va recunoaște tatăl fiul?


Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver 2021


A former special forces soldier delivers revenge for victims of injustice while working for a secret organization that fronts as a taxi company.


Bad and Crazy

Bad and Crazy 2021


A superhero drama about Soo-yeol who has lived his whole life as a materialistic police detective, but changes into a champion for justice and fights against police corruption when a hidden persona called "K" awakens inside him.


A Favorita

A Favorita 2008


Donatela and Flora, two friends who became rivals. One of them committed a homicide and pretends to be innocent. There are two versions for the same story. Who, after all, is telling the truth? Donatela or Flora?



Fugitives 2014


Julian’s life changes when he is accused of a crime he did not commit and is taken to prison. The only way out will be to open his heart and find the strength to escape and prove his innocence.


Article 247

Article 247 2022


The story of a woman who leaves her complicated past to change her life and of a woman with a dark personality that she hides behind her beauty.


The Count of Monte-Cristo: Great Revenge

The Count of Monte-Cristo: Great Revenge 2018


Wrongfully imprisoned for 15 years despite his innocence, Dan Saimon manages to get out of his imprisonment at the risk of his own life, and makes a thrilling return as a fresh new character. This is a drama about a man, who, through his elaborate maneuvers and various clever entrapments fulfills his passionate revenge against those who stripped away all his glories. He seeks for the light that he had been striving for.


The Killer Bride

The Killer Bride 2019


Las Espadas is a superstitious town that has been haunted by the ghost of The Killer Bride for years. Almost all Las Espadas residents have stories of encountering the woman in the bloody wedding dress and veil. They say that the ghost is biding her time to exact revenge on the people who had hurt her in the past.


Joseon Attorney: A Morality

Joseon Attorney: A Morality 2023


Set in the Joseon era, an exhilarating legal revenge of a lawyer who avenges the death of his parents by trial begins.



Numbers 2023


A high-achieving high school graduate, battles for justice at South Korea’s most reputable accounting firm.


Fearless Whispers

Fearless Whispers 2020


A story revolving around a fresh graduate who holds an idealistic view of what's right and wrong, yet realizes that the very institution he chose to serve falls heavily onto a gray area caught in the struggles during chaotic times. It takes place after the war has been won. Gu Yao Dong who grew up in Shanghai graduates from university. Hoping to fulfill his dreams of upholding the law and protecting the people, he succeeds in becoming a policeman. However, Gu Yao Dong is disheartened from the constant bullying by his peers and even gets caught deep in the political warfare between the Communists and the Nationalist. With the help of Xia Ji Cheng and Shen Qing He, he starts on a road to a revolution.



Contessa 2018


'Contessa' is the story of Bea who, after being accused and imprisoned for a crime she did not commit, is determined to seek revenge on those who took everything and everyone she loved away from her. She will claim a new identity as Contessa, and will make sure she gets the redemption and justice she deserves.


Граф Крестовский

Граф Крестовский 2004


Elbrus Tamayev, a guy from a working-class family, was brought up in the spirit of fundamental male principles: not to offend the weak, to be able to fight back and help those in need. During his school years, he makes a friend and a girlfriend. Elbrus gets a job on a dry cargo ship. His friend pulls off a drug scam. It is exposed, and Elbrus becomes the scapegoat in this case... He is sentenced to life imprisonment in a prison for especially dangerous criminals, from which it is impossible to escape. But the hero - now his name is none other than Graf Krestovsky - succeeds twenty years later. He returns to his homeland and begins to take revenge on those who treated him so cruelly.



Irresistible 2021


Kimhan and Mookarin were engaged to be married but a tragedy destroyed their happiness. Mon, Kimhan's sister, was found dead and her husband Tada, Mook's brother, was accused of killing her.


Marry Me

Marry Me 2020


A story that follows a Ju Mu Er, a blind musician on a mission to find justice for her teacher's death. Her journey brings her face to face with the wealthy Long Yue, and they pretend to be husband and wife while in pursuit of the case. Their fake relationship soon turns real when they start to fall in love. Ju Mu Er's leisurely life comes to a devastating halt when her teacher, Shi Bo Yin, dies a wrongful death. She also loses her eyesight as a result and accidentally bumps into Long Yue, the richest man in the capital who is sly and arrogant has a sharp tongue and loves money as much as his own life.



Caronte 2020


Caronte will make us think about justice, presumption of innocence and truth. It also talks about second chances and how a man is able to reinvent himself and get his life back together. The different cases will not only influence Caronte's personal life, but, episode after episode, will make our protagonist evolve and grow.


Barb Ayuttitham

Barb Ayuttitham 2021


Chittawan goes to jail because he was framed for killing his fiances' father. After getting out, he decides to take revenge on the people who are the cause behind him having to go to jail.


Widows' Web

Widows' Web 2022


Four women with ulterior and hidden secrets because of a businessman's unexplainable assassination. Their lives will be shattered and trapped in a maze of lies, conflicts, betrayals, mysteries, ambition, murder, wealth and power.


A Killing in Tiger Bay

A Killing in Tiger Bay 2021


The story of the Cardiff Five, one of Britain's most notorious and astonishing miscarriages of justice.