Creatura 1982
Oamenii de știință din Antarctica se confruntă cu un extraterestru care își poate schimba forma după aspectul oamenilor pe care îi omoară.
Oamenii de știință din Antarctica se confruntă cu un extraterestru care își poate schimba forma după aspectul oamenilor pe care îi omoară.
Spre deosebire de prietenii săi, tânărul pinguin Mumble nu cântă destul de bine pentru a-și găsi o pereche. El are însă un talent neobișnuit: dansează step ca un campion!
Antarctica: un continent extraordinar, de o frumusețe înfricoșătoare. El găzduiește un post izolat de observație și cercetare numit Thule Station. Acolo, o echipă internațională de cercetători face o descoperire senzațională. Dar satisfacția descoperirii se transformă în curând într-o paranoia îngrozitoare în thriller-ul The Thing - Creatura, după ce grupul de cercetători constată că o ființă monstruoasă posedă abilitatea de a se transforma în orice ființă umană, luând exact aceeași înfățișare. Paleontologul Dr. Kate Lloyd, de la Columbia University, a părăsit siguranța laboratorului ei pentru a veni în acest pustiu îndepărtat, care îi va oferi o experiență unică în viață. Alăturându-se echipei norvegiene condusă de Edvard Wolner care dăduse peste o creatură ingropată în zăpadă, Kate - împreună cu colegii ei, exploratorii Dr. Sander Halvorson și Adam - descoperă un organism care pare să fi murit în ere îndepărtate.
O mică stație de cercetare din SUA la capătul lumii: Antarctica. Echipajul se pregătește deja să se întoarcă acasă când ambițiosul geolog Davis îl convinge pe cercetașul experimentat Jerry să plece într-o ultimă misiune. În timpul expediției riscante, el are încredere în câinii lui curajoși de sanie și în instinctele lor salvatoare. Când un front de furtună apare în mod neașteptat, stația poate fi evacuată doar cu avionul. Cu inima grea, Jerry trebuie să-și lase câinii iubiți în urmă. Dar promite să se întoarcă să-i ia. Pe măsură ce începe o luptă pe viață sau pe moarte pentru câini, Jerry face tot ce se poate pentru a-i salva...
Rămas fără combustibil, un submarin german din Primul Război Mondial, cu prizonieri la bord, ajunge în Antarctica, unde echipajul descoperă o rafinărie petrolieră veche.
The true story of Ernest Shackleton's 1914 Endurance expedition to the the South Pole and his epic struggle to lead his crew to safety after his ship was crushed in the pack ice.
Set in the 1950's, a Japanese Antarctic research exploration team and 19 dogs that accompanied the team are stationed at the Showa Base in Antarctica. After a year, the exploration team is ordered to withdraw from the Antarctic station due to severe weather conditions. The dogs have to be left behind. The following year, the next team arrives at the Showa Base station and a miraculous reunion occurs between a dog handler accompanying the new tean and two dogs, Taro and Shiro, that are brothers.
Playful penguin Pingu lives with his family in Antarctica, where he often finds himself caught up in mischievous high jinks with his pal Robby.
Scenery that we have never seen. Sounds that we have never heard. Scent that we have never smelled. Food that we have never tasted. And the surge of emotion that we have never experienced. This is the expedition of recollecting the pieces torn apart and sensation left alone. When we reach that place, what will we think? Howling, 40 degree angle. Raging, 50 degree angle. Shouting, 60 degree angle. A wilderness beyond the heavy sea. The furthest south, far from civilization. At the top of the Earth. We will find lights through the girls' eyes to live tomorrow.
Sir David Attenborough looks at the natural history of the Antarctic continent
In an isolated and inaccessible Antarctic research station in which winter has fallen on the South Pole and the sun will soon disappear for the next six months, a small team, known as the Winterers, remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their innovative research. Renowned biologist Arthur Wilde is determined to find a solution to climate change, but his quest turns into a nightmare when several of his esteemed scientists suddenly begin to die.
The Japanese 38th South Pole research expedition team are at the Dome base. Located 1,000 km away from the main Showa base at an altitude of 3,800 m, it is called the most inhospitable place on earth with an average temperature of -54 deg Celsius. No living thing or even a virus can survive in such an environment. Three of the seven-member expedition team are researchers and the remaining four are support personnel. However, they are common men who have to live together in the confined space of the Dome base for one year.
David Attenborough travels to the end of the earth, taking viewers on an extraordinary journey across the polar regions of our planet.
The Last Place on Earth is a 1985 Central Television seven part serial, written by Trevor Griffiths based on the book Scott and Amundsen by Roland Huntford. The book is an exploration of the expeditions of Captain Robert F. Scott and his Norwegian rival in polar exploration, Roald Amundsen in their attempts to reach the South Pole. The series ran for seven episodes and starred a wide range of UK and Norwegian character actors as well as featuring some famous names, such as Max von Sydow, Richard Wilson, Sylvester McCoy and Pat Roach. It also featured performances early in their careers by Bill Nighy and Hugh Grant. Subsequently Huntford's book was republished under the same name. The book put forth the point of view that Amundsen's success in reaching the South Pole was abetted by much superior planning, whereas errors by Scott ultimately resulted in the death of him and his companions.
In 2049, the only remaining data center "Black Box" on the planet rendered uninhabitable by climate disaster. The recorder who resides in "Black Box" accidentally brings out the documentary made by 2023 musicians... The last record on earth left with music on the fast-destroying earth, "The Black Box on Earth"!
Blue Peter presenter Helen Skelton makes an epic 500-mile journey to the South Pole by kite, by ski and - in a world first - by bike, to raise awareness for Sport Relief.
Double Olympic gold medallist James Cracknell, TV presenter Ben Fogle and Doctor Ed Coats compete in one of the world’s greatest challenges – the 2009 race to the South Pole - the first organised race since Scott and Amundsen almost 100 years ago.
In 1989, the German polar explorer Arved Fuchs and the South Tyrolean mountaineer Reinhold Messner set out together to reach the South Pole on skis without sled dogs or motor technology and then cross the entire Antarctic. There are problems right from the start because the onward transport to the starting point by plane cannot be carried out on time. Finally, the adventurers set off from Patriot Hills Base Camp on the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf to the Pole. The completely different character traits of the two men quickly emerge. Messner is impetuous and pushes for speed. The calm Fuchs divides his strength and consistently follows his pace during all planned breaks. On New Year's Eve 1989, the two men are warmly welcomed by the crew of the US Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. But the much larger and more dangerous part of their adventurous continental crossing still lies ahead of them. The 3-part documentary shows one of the last great adventures of modern times in impressive pictures.
Series following the reconstruction of British explorer Robert Falcon Scott's epic, but ill-fated, trek to the South Pole in 1911
Take a journey to Antarctica to experience the world’s most extreme wilderness, to see the massive undertaking it is to support human life there, and to chronicle the world-changing science being done. Embed with missions on the ice, underneath it, and atop some of its peaks, as scientists and survival experts join forces to fight brutal conditions to help change the world.
This series follows a modern expedition that re-creates Sir Ernest Shackleton's trans-Antarctic expedition, which launched in 1914. The series joins a crew of five intrepid explorers, led by renowned adventurer, scientist, and author Tim Jarvis, as they duplicate Shackleton's epic sea-and-land voyage in a replica of the original explorer's lifeboat.
Documentary series aimed at understanding the jobs of the "Ice Rangers": these men and women who manage the practical aspects of the Princess Elisabeth polar station on a daily basis. What drives them to the idea of coming to isolate themselves on this basis? How do they manage to manage their emotions and their private lives? This daily life will be juxtaposed with scientific missions and challenges and, therefore, more universal questions to understand why it is important to continue research in this white continent and what challenges for tomorrow this represents at the planetary and climatic level.