Nancy Parsons Porky's Impacto Súbito A Vingança de Porky's Motel Hell Loose Cannons Smokey Bites the Dust Porky's 2: O dia Seguinte Little Spies Flores de Aço Quarterback Princess Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee The Lady in Red Death Falls Ladybugs Wishman Honky Tonk Freeway Homer and Eddie I Never Promised You a Rose Garden Mary Jane Harper Cried Last Night Um Golpe do Destino Where the Buffalo Roam Winter Heat Pennies from Heaven Silhouette American Raspberry White Water Rebels Lou Grant Quem Sai aos Seus Remington Steele Jornada nas Estrelas: A Nova Geração L.A. Law The Pretender Baretta Os Anjos de Charlie Amazing Stories Night Court Moonlighting