Ronald Lacey Os Salteadores da Arca Perdida Por Favor, Não Me Morda o Pescoço Firefox The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Amor e Sangue O Herói do Deserto Mille Miglia Charleston Sahara Jailbird Rock Dylan: The Life and Death of a Poet Crucible of Terror The Great Escape II: The Untold Story Of Human Bondage Nijinsky Take a Girl Like You The Boys Dawn of an Evil Millennium Fable Invitation to the Wedding Landslide Yellowbeard The Old Curiosity Shop The Final Programme The Sign of Four Trenchcoat Aubrey Face to Face Alvorada Zulu Guerreiros de Fogo Don't Touch Him, He Might Resent It Who's a Good Boy Then? I Am! The Hard Knock Dead Silence The Day of the Janitor The Likely Lads Valmont Sky Bandits Manifesto 最佳拍檔之千里救差婆 Otley The Hound of the Baskervilles How I Won the War Gawain and the Green Knight Into the Darkness Making the Grade The Comedy Man Tangiers The Bengal Lancers! Catch Us If You Can Doctor in Distress Indiana Jones e a Grande Cruzada The Next Victim The Adventures Of Don Quixote Indiana Jones: Making the Trilogy Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney Thriller Colditz Department S Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? Porridge Gideon's Way Os Vingadores Scarecrow and Mrs. King Jason King Hart to Hart The Ray Bradbury Theater Hallmark Hall of Fame The Adventures of Don Quick Dr. Finlay's Casebook Hazell Catweazle The New Avengers Target Lady Killers BBC Play of the Month Quiller Porridge The Mayor of Casterbridge The Mayor of Casterbridge Blake's 7 Last of the Summer Wine Civilisation Minder Blackadder As Aventuras de Sherlock Holmes Strauss Dynasty Play for Today Bergerac All Creatures Great and Small Our Mutual Friend Great Expectations Os Vingadores The Protectors