Howard Blake The Snowman: The Film That Changed Christmas Fome de Viver Right to Work March Life After Flash Flash Gordon The Riddle of the Sands Leaving Lily Hokusai: An Animated Sketchbook The Bear The Rainbow Boys An Elephant Called Slowly O Duelo The Remarkable Rocket O Boneco de Neve O Boneco de Neve O Boneco de Neve The Canterville Ghost A Midsummer Night's Dream S.O.S. Titanic Fome de Viver A Few Days A Few Days My Life So Far Mrs. Reinhardt A Month in the Country Amityville III - O Demónio Red, White, and Zero O Duelo Ride of the Valkyrie Fome de Viver The Changeling Some Will, Some Won't Stronger Than the Sun Duelling Directors: Ridley Scott & Kevin Reynolds Duelling Directors: Ridley Scott & Kevin Reynolds The Moon Stallion