George Waggner The Great Alone His Hour O Cavalo de Ferro Love's Blindness Desert Driven Branded Man O Sheik The Ghost of Frankenstein Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man Phantom of Chinatown Sealed Lips Sealed Lips The Wolf Man The Wolf Man Águas Traiçoeiras Águas Traiçoeiras The Fighting Kentuckian The Fighting Kentuckian The Climax Gunfighters Man-Made Monster The Fatal Hour On the Spot On the Spot Horror Island The Cowboy Millionaire Pawnee Shady Lady The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi Mystery Plane The Keeper of the Bees Mission of Danger I Cover the War! Tangier Black Bandit White Savage Gypsy Wildcat Black Bandit Ghost Town Riders Ghost Town Riders Wolf Call Man-Made Monster Frisco Sal Cheers of the Crowd Stunt Pilot Western Trails Honor of the West The Phantom Stage Sem Barreiras no Céu Sem Barreiras no Céu Wolf Call Flying Cadets Sweetheart of Sigma Chi Sea Spoilers Red Nightmare Cappy Ricks Returns The Healer The Phantom Stage Laughing at Danger Drums of the Desert Sky Patrol Laughing at Danger Drums of the Desert Stunt Pilot Mystery Plane City Limits Father Steps Out He Couldn't Take It Man from God's Country Fury River Return from the Sea The Climax Cobra Woman Destination Nightmare Jack the Ripper South of Tahiti Invisible Agent The Spy Ring Oklahoma Terror The Fargo Phantom Queen of the Yukon Girl o' My Dreams Girl o' My Dreams Bitter Creek Pawnee South of Tahiti Idol of the Crowds Idol of the Crowds State Police State Police Outlaw Express Phantom of the Opera Midnight Intruder Frisco Sal Dizzy Dames Gorilla Ship The Nut Farm Honor of the West Western Trails Honor of the West Air Devils Arroyo The Sword of Villon Badlands of Dakota Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse Screen Director's Playhouse