Jean Negulesco The Reality Trip Como Se Conquista Um Milionário Um Instante, Adeus Com o Amor Nasceu o Ódio City for Conquest Páginas da Vida Under My Skin Papai Pernilongo Nobody Lives Forever The Conspirators Acordes do Coração The Mask of Dimitrios Three Strangers O Gavião dos Mares Three Coins in the Fountain Boy on a Dolphin Johnny Belinda Deep Valley Titanic The Rains of Ranchipur The Best of Everything Phone Call from a Stranger A Greve do Sexo Em Busca do Prazer The United States Army Band Women at War Three Came Home A Certain Smile Henry Busse and His Orchestra The Mudlark Britannia Mews Woman's World The Gift of Love Count Your Blessings Hit Parade of the Gay Nineties Take Care of My Little Girl Scandal at Scourie Lure of the Wilderness Ozzie Nelson and His Orchestra Cliff Edwards and His Buckaroos Skinnay Ennis and His Orchestra Six Hits and a Miss Borrah Minevitch and His Harmonica School Hal Kemp and His Orchestra Glen Gray and the Casa Loma Orchestra The Dark Wave Rio Alice in Movieland Singapore Woman Expensive Husbands Lydia Bailey The Beloved Brat Cavalcade of Dance The United States Navy Band This Is the Night At the Stroke of Twelve A Greve do Sexo Calling All Girls The Flag of Humanity The Daughter of Rosie O'Grady The Gay Parisian Food and Magic Spanish Fiesta Three Cheers for the Girls A Maior História de Todos os Tempos A Ship Is Born The United States Army Air Force Band The United States Marine Band The Invincible Six The Voice That Thrilled the World Those Good Old Days Swiss Miss The Playgirls Over the Wall Roaring Guns Crash Donovan The United States Service Bands The Flag of Humanity All Star Melody Masters بیگانه بیا