Tom Verica Assalto ao Aeroporto O Dia dos Pais Flags of our Fathers - As Bandeiras dos Nossos Pais Donato and Daughter Lost in the Bermuda Triangle Eight Hundred Leagues Down the Amazon The Babymaker: The Dr. Cecil Jacobson Story Crimes Calculados The Assassination File Breach of Conduct Loose Women Not Our Son Programa de Proteção para Princesas Zodiac Hound Dogs Dragão Vermelho Gun Medium Seinfeld Dr. House The Nine The 4400 L.A. Law Obras em Casa Providence Touched by an Angel Matlock Crossing Jordan Lei & Ordem: Unidade Especial American Dreams Central Park West Will & Grace Moon Over Miami Boston Legal The Naked Truth Citizen Baines Baby Bob Almost Perfect The Bad Girl's Guide The Amazing Mrs. Novak Como Defender Um Assassino Da Terra à Lua Quantum Leap Frasier Lie to Me - O Rosto da Mentira Anatomia de Grey The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer