Jerold Wells O Elemento do Crime Three in One Maniac High Hell Aventuras em Terras do Rei Bruno, o Discutível Ennenstadt Europa - Om Lars von Trier og 'Forbrydelsens element' Tales from the Crypt 2: A Sala dos Pesadelos Ana dos Mil Dias Journey Into Darkness Os Ladrões do Tempo Fighting Back Gawain and the Green Knight Dangerous Afternoon The Pirates of Blood River The Ghost of Monk's Island Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell The Naked Truth Crooks Anonymous The Death of Glory A Ghost of a Chance Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Width Burke & Hare Barry McKenzie Holds His Own Softly, Softly Dixon of Dock Green The Champions Catweazle The New Avengers The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes No Hiding Place 199 Park Lane Man in a Suitcase Judge Dee BBC Play of the Month Hark at Barker Maigret Dixon of Dock Green Dixon of Dock Green The Black Arrow Sykes Sykes