Ellis W. Carter O Incrível Homem que Encolheu The Mole People The Human Jungle Kissin' Cousins Fúria de Uma Região Perdida The Alphabet Conspiracy The Monolith Monsters Caged Fury El Paso Damn Citizen Curse of the Undead Special Agent Sex Kittens Go to College Hills of Oklahoma The Vanishing Westerner Lonely Heart Bandits Big Town After Dark Big Town Scandal The Blonde Bandit The Second Time Around The Magic Carpet The Texas Rangers Running Wild The Strange Case of the Cosmic Rays Mr. Reckless He Rides Tall Dynamite Slim Carter The Purple Gang King of the Rocket Men The Invisible Monster Outlaw Women Listen Judge A Day of Fury The Barefoot Mailman Gunmen of Abilene The Leech Woman California Conquest No Mundo dos Monstros Pré-Históricos Disaster Rebeca Twice-Told Tales Matar Por Dever Radar Patrol vs. Spy King Diary of a Madman The Wizard of Baghdad Gateways to the Mind Prisoners in Petticoats Unmasked Flight to Hong Kong Showdown The River Changes Cease Fire! Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder Hootenanny Hoot