Walter Plunkett Van Gogh: Darkness into Light Cavalgada Heróica E Tudo o Vento Levou Planeta Proibido Serenata à Chuva O Irresistível Forasteiro A Vida Apaixonada de Van Gogh The Son of Kong The King's Thief Os Irmãos Karamazov Nada é Sagrado Show Boat Jupiter's Darling The Sea of Grass That Forsyte Woman The Outriders Kind Lady Vigil in the Night Herança da Carne Carbine Williams The Scarlet Coat The Fountain The Three Musketeers The Woman I Love The Plough and the Stars Summer Holiday Knickerbocker Holiday The Very Idea Duelo ao Sol The Toast of New Orleans The Actress The Prisoner of Zenda Lady for a Night A Conquista do Oeste A Alegre Divorciada Voando Para o Rio The Crime Doctor Tribute to a Bad Man The Corsican Brothers The Phantom of Crestwood Payment on Demand The Fastest Gun Alive The Wings of Eagles Scarlet River The Animal Kingdom Dixiana The Delightful Rogue Christopher Strong Lucky Devils Night After Night Melody Cruise The Vagabond Lover Where Sinners Meet Murder on the Blackboard Stingaree Stars in My Crown Annie Oakley Village Tale To Beat the Band By Your Leave Rio Rita Raintree County Adam's Rib Alice Adams Wednesday's Child Chasing Yesterday Captain Hurricane Mary Stuart, Rainha da Escócia A Song to Remember Cockeyed Cavaliers This Man Is Mine Cimarron Ace of Aces Blind Adventure Aggie Appleby, Maker of Men The Great Jasper Ann Vickers Man of Two Worlds Long Lost Father Little Women The Right To Romance The Meanest Gal in Town Keep 'Em Rolling Spitfire Hips, Hips, Hooray! Success at Any Price Sing and Like It We're Rich Again Gridiron Flash Bachelor Bait Hat, Coat and Glove Down to Their Last Yacht Strictly Dynamite His Greatest Gamble Anne of Green Gables Let's Try Again The Life of Vergie Winters Kentucky Kernels West of the Pecos Their Big Moment The Age of Innocence The Richest Girl in the World Lightning Strikes Twice The Silver Streak Dangerous Corner The Little Minister Seven Keys to Baldpate Forever and a Day Tanned Legs Mr. Imperium Two Weeks with Love Mulherzinhas Legionnaires in Paris In Old Oklahoma Um Americano em Paris Emergency Call Black Hand Gun Glory Soldiers Three No Marriage Ties Athena Deep in My Heart The Secret Garden Duelo na Cidade Fantasma The Silver Cord Sweepings Jalna Double Harness The Three Musketeers Enchanted April The Return Of Peter Grimm The Arizonian Hooray for Love O Pai da Noiva O Tesouro do Barba Ruiva The Past of Mary Holmes As Minas de Salomão Festa no Campo The Magnificent Yankee Cross Fire His Family Tree The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse The Kissing Bandit Sete Noivas para Sete Irmãos Deus Sabe Quanto Amei Many Rivers to Cross A Sedutora Madame Bovary Sete Mulheres Of Human Bondage Another Face The Rainmakers Chatterbox Ladies in Retirement Hot Tip O Delator The Soldier and the Lady Nossa Senhora de Paris Kiss Me Kate A Woman Rebels Annie Get Your Gun Million Dollar Mermaid Quality Street The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle The Glass Slipper Morning Glory The Most Dangerous Game Bells Are Ringing Lydia The Man with a Cloak Milagre por Um Dia Woman in the Dark Pistoleiro do Destino Westward the Women King Kong Love In The Desert Two Weeks in Another Town Pollyanna Half Marriage Young Bess Diane Valley of the Kings Plymouth Adventure The Happy Years Todos os Irmãos Eram Valentes Night Parade The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Tomorrow at Seven Song of Love A Regular Scout The Law and the Lady Marriage on the Rocks Green Dolphin Street The Bandit's Son Lightning Lariats Wallflowers Finishing School One Minute to Play