Mike Newell Comemoração de 20 anos de Harry Potter: De Volta a Hogwarts Charlton Heston and Ben-Hur: A Personal Journey At Sundance Harry Potter e o Cálice de Fogo Quatro Casamentos e Um Funeral The Man in the Iron Mask An Awfully Big Adventure O Amor nos Tempos do Cólera O Sorriso de Mona Lisa Donnie Brasco Tudo Sob Controlo Into the West Príncipe da Pérsia: As Areias do Tempo Enchanted April Dançando com um Estranho Bad Blood The Awakening The Good Father Amazing Grace and Chuck Blood Feud Grandes Esperanças Alta Fidelidade Traffic - Ninguém sai ileso The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: The Perils of Cupid Soursweet Just Your Luck Birth of a Nation Ms or Jill and Jack The Gift of Friendship Ready When You Are, Mr McGill Jack Flea's Birthday Celebration Brassneck Destiny Common Ground Best Laid Plans 578: Phát Đạn Của Kẻ Điên Not Counting the Savages Comedy Workshop: Love and Maud Carver The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Masks of Evil The Spirit of 1926 Mrs. Acland's Ghosts Guernsey - A Sociedade Literária da Tarte de Casca de Batata None of That Little Girls Don't Grandes Esperanças The Visitors 200 Cigarettes One Red Nose Day and a Wedding The Childhood Friend Buffet The Mayor's Charity Mr and Mrs Bureaucrat Reel Britannia Reel Britannia Reel Britannia Reel Britannia Reel Britannia Reel Britannia Reel Britannia Reel Britannia